Ocean City - a resort town on the Atlantic Ocean in Maryland - is incredibly popular among residents of the Mid-Atlantic states (which include New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey) .In the summer, the city is filled with Americans who come here on weekends and on leave .Tourism - the main article of the city's revenue .The permanent population of Ocean City does not exceed 8 thousand people, but in the summer on weekends there are going to 350 thousand people who want to have a good time on the ocean coast .Between May and October, the city is flooded with seasonal workers - mostly students from the United Kingdom, Eastern Europe and Russia, for whom a trip to Ocean City is a summer income and a unique adventure at the same time .

Ocean City
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How to get here

Ocean City can be reached by buses from Greyhound. From New York the way will take about 8 hours, and you will have to change - there is no direct flight. The nearest major city to Ocean City is Baltimore, you need to orient yourself to it.


Ocean City is located in the center of the east coast, and the climate here is subtropical with hot humid summers and mild winters. High summer temperatures are compensated by a cool ocean breeze. Tropical storms and hurricanes are common. The average temperature in January is +7 ° C, in July - +29 ° C.

How to orient yourself in the city

Ocean City sprawled on a narrow peninsula between the Atlantic Ocean and the gulf for 15 km. Surprisingly, in some places the width of the peninsula is only 400 meters! Due to this feature, it is very easy to navigate in the city.

There are three main longitudinal streets, that is, avenues:

  • Philadelphia Avenue, smoothly passing into the Coastal Highway, which stretches across the city;
  • St. Louis Avenue (ends on 17th Street)
  • and Baltimore Avenue, which disappears around 33rd Street.

There is also a quay of the downtown in the southern part of the peninsula - it's a boardwalk, but we'll talk about it yet. A transverse street is about 150, and they are neatly numbered - so it's impossible to get lost.

Rest in Ocean City, Maryland

Ocean City Attractions


A wide sandy beach stretching along the whole city is certainly the main attraction, but the center of attraction of all tourists, when they do not sunbathe in the sun, do not bathe in the ocean and do not sleep in hotels, becomes a boardwalk - a 5-kilometer pedestrian quay , on which a pond ponds cafe network brands, shops with souvenirs and not only fish restaurants and everything that the soul of the holidaymaker would like.

On the boardwalk you can make a temporary henna tattoo, but you can look into Old Time Photos and get photos in the images of a gangster and his girlfriend. At the southern tip of the peninsula, two amusement parks compete with each other: Jolly Roger at The Pier and Trimper's Rides. The latter was founded already in 1893.

White Marlin Open

Fishing in Ocean City for both commercial and pleasure has a long history. The city itself calls itself the capital of white marlin. In early August, one of the largest fishing competitions in the world is held here - the Tournament of White Marlin. The prize fund for the largest caught white marlin, blue marlin or tuna can be more than a million dollars.

Monument to firefighters

On the embankment, six blocks from the southern entrance to the city stands a monument to firefighters who died on September 11, 2001 in New York. The memorial includes a statue of a fireman mounted on a rock, and part of one of the twin towers.

Author - Gulshat Zakirova