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The "Thousand Islands" Park is located between Brokville and Kingston. It is difficult to count how many islands are on the water surface with an area of ​​2 thousand square meters. km. Some of them are very small, others - the size of several dozen football fields. This is indeed the most beautiful place in Canada: it was not for nothing that before it was called the "Garden of God", and the Indians believed that the islets are fragments of paradise that God broke, taking offense at people.

For those who do not trust the legends, we inform: these islands - the remains of the mountain system, which erased the wind and flooded the glacier. The largest islands are called Wolf and Hat, where the famous Boldt Castle stands. Here you can come by the company for an excursion. On one of the island's islands, the village of the 19th century is almost perfectly recreated. There is a forge, shops where you can buy cakes and bread.

Long-view Island - man-made, it was created not by nature, but by people. To this end, at the beginning of the 20th century four shoals were connected. Here is the boat station, above which the flags of almost all the countries of the earth flutter.

The National Park "Thousand Islands" stretches for 20 kilometers. Tourists can book sightseeing programs and get acquainted with the local vegetation, wildlife. On the steamer you can see overgrown with greenery island shores. Today many islands are inhabited, comfortable cottages are built here. To receive electricity, clean energy sources are used.

 Thousand Island National Park, Ontario  Thousand Island National Park
National Park "Thousand Islands"
 Castle, National Park  National park
Castle, National th park "Thousand Islands"