Add a review of the Sierra Macarena National Park

The Sierra Macarena National Park is located 150 km from Bogota - the capital of Colombia and is considered one of the richest reserves of the country by the state of flora and fauna . This national park of Colombia covers an area equal to more than 1 million hectares . The large part of the territory of the National Park of Sierra Macarena consists of mountain ranges, whose average height is about 3000 m above sea level . Hundreds of species of animals, birds, insects and fishes live in the reserve . Vegetation world of the Sierra National Park -Makar The yen is also not inferior in variety . Only about 50 species of orchids can be found here! By the way, many plants of the reserve are recognized as endemic, in other words, they grow only in this territory and do not meet anywhere else .

Many tourists come to the National Park of the Sierra Macarena then to look at the Cagno-Cristales River. The uniqueness of this reservoir is that its waters constantly change color, and not one, but the whole 5 times!

The status of the National Park of Sierra Macarena was received in 1948, under the vigilant protection of the Colombian authorities, it is still today. Nevertheless, the reserve is always open for tourists. Moreover, Ecotourism is actively developing in the Sierra Macarena National Park. Despite the fact that it is difficult to reach this reserve of Colombia, it is visited by a large number of travelers every year. Lovers of outdoor activities are attracted not only by the pristine flora and fauna.

Many tourists are attracted here by the amazing phenomenon of nature called Canyo-Kristales. This is a river, but it is unique in that its waters constantly change color, not just one, but up to 5 times! The reservoir has the properties of a chameleon due to the multi-colored algae that cover the bottom of Canyo-Kristales. By the way, the name of this miracle of nature is translated as "crystal river". The water here is not just transparent, you can drink it without fearing for your health.

Sierra Macarena National Park in Colombia

And now about how to get to the Sierra Macarena National Park. As mentioned above, the path is long, but it's worth it! First you need to get from Bogota to Villavicencio. This city is located 70 km from the Colombian capital, long-distance buses deliver tourists here. Despite the distance, the journey takes 3-4 hours, according to the standards of modern travelers.

The next route is Villavicencio - La Macarena, and it is possible to overcome it only by air. Note that at the airport Villavicencio many private companies that are engaged in passenger transportation. On small planes they deliver tourists to the village of La Macarena. The flight over the savannahs of Colombia will take about 1, 5 hours, and, believe me, it will be unforgettable!

In La Macarena you can spend the night (in the village every second resident renting rooms and guest houses to tourists), and the next day, renting a canoe first (to swim the Guayaaboro river), and then a jeep, go on a tour of the Sierra National Park -Makarena.

Be prepared for the fact that the car on the way to the Canyo-Kristales River will have to be left and walk a few miles along the heat. And finally, no matter how bold and experienced a traveler you are, it is better to enlist the help of local guides and not go alone to wild wilds of Colombia and to the National Park of Sierra Macarena.