Bay Fig-Three

Protaras, Fig Tree Bay

Attractions of Protaras Tiny coves are located along the entire coastline of Protaras, but one of them stands out. This picturesque bay Fig-Three - a cult place of rest (in guidebooks there is also another name - the Bay of Fig Tree). Once upon a time this beach was decorated with a powerful fig tree

Valley of windmills in Protaras

Protaras, Windmills

Attractions of Protaras Rest in Protaras is serene - beautiful sandy beaches, secluded picturesque bays, a transparent and warm sea, diverse and delicious Cypriot cuisine. You can even spend the whole holiday in bliss, but most holidaymakers after a couple of days of idleness still want to diversify leisure.

The Historical Museum of Protaras


Attractions of Protaras Despite the fact that the museum collection reflects the history of Protaras, exhibits of the period of antiquity or the era of Ancient Byzantium, there is almost no, but the art and life of local residents of the 19th century. are presented in great detail. However, the exhibition does not depreciate the absence of ancient exhibits.



Attractions of Protaras When you realize that you have visited all the surrounding beaches of Protaras, you have studied all its sights, proceeded along and across all embankments and parks, and before singing fountains or a historical museum you will easily come with your eyes closed, turn your eyes to the neighborhood of the town.

National Forest Park Cavo Greco

Cape Gkreko National Forest Park

Attractions of Protaras Not far from Protaras there is a paradise where you can combine a quiet contemplative vacation with active sports. It is the National Forest Park of Cavo Greco, located in the east of Cape Greco. It was created to preserve the unique nature of this territory.

The Oceanarium in Protaras

Protaras Ocean Aquarium

Attractions of Protaras In the life of each holidaymaker there comes a time when there is a desire to fill your serene and lazy beach days with interesting events. If the desire for new impressions overtook you during the rest at the resorts of Protaras, firstly plan your trip to the local aquarium.

Dancing fountains in Protaras

Magic Dancing Waters Show, avenue Protara, 6

Attractions of Protaras In the small resort town of Protaras has its own show of dancing fountains of Magic Dancing Waters. Although it is inferior in scale to similar views in Barcelona or Dubai, it is included in the list of mandatory for viewing when visiting Cyprus.

The Church of the Prophet Elijah in Protaras

Protaras, Akefalou, Church of Profitis Ilias

Attractions of Protaras The Church of the Prophet Elijah in Protaras from afar attracts the views of tourists due to its location - on a hill 115 m high above sea level. The church received its name in memory of the Old Testament prophet Ilya, who is highly esteemed among the Orthodox Cyprus.

As a resort, the former settlement of Protaras announced itself recently, but quickly fell in love with fans of a relaxing holiday at sea and tourists who travel with children. But those who are used to the fact that its tourist weekdays are painted by the minute, here it is boring: the town consists mainly of hotels, there are not many sights in it. All worthy places can be seen in two or three days, after which many rush on excursions or on independent trips to Cyprus.

Rumors of the evening extravaganza Magic Dancing Waters spread far beyond the city limits, from all over Cyprus come tourists to enjoy the wonderful show of dancing fountains.

So, you are already saturated with the necessary minimum of the holidaymaker - the sun, the warm clean sea and the beach, and more often you have been visited by the desire to dilute this idyllic picture with new impressions. What can the sunny Cypriot resort of Protaras offer?

Many tourists before the trip make up their list of attractions that they plan to visit. So, in each such must have a list of interesting places in Protaras certainly includes a show of dancing fountains. Rumors of the evening extravaganza Magic Dancing Waters spread far beyond the city limits, from all parts of Cyprus tourists come here to enjoy the wonderful action.

In order not to reassure experienced tourists who have already seen the same shows in Barcelona or Dubai, it is worth noting that the capacity and scale of the Cypriot performance is inferior to them. But for its entertainment and artistry its creators can put the highest scores.

No less famous in tourist circles is the oceanarium of Protaras. Here, under one roof behind the glass walls, more than 1,000 species of inhabitants of the underwater kingdom were collected. Fans are tickled with nerves awaiting crocodiles and alligators, and funny black-footed African penguins will lift everyone's spirits. Visit the aquarium certainly will appeal to young travelers, and the diversity of marine inhabitants is unlikely to leave indifferent.

What is abundant in the area of ​​Protaras, so it's natural attractions, Mother Nature is not stingy, endowing these places with their riches. The Bay of Fig Tree (in the original Fig Tree Bay) will subdue the delicate connoisseurs of scenic landscapes: in the north the beach strip ends with a rocky bay with underwater caves and a tiny island in the middle of the bay.

No wonder this beach is considered the best on the whole island: a transparent sea with a gentle bottom, fine sand, as well as attendant entertainment for every taste.

Another priceless gift of nature is Cape Greco. Here, scuba diving day and night, scuba dancers hold memorable photoshoots, and tourists come to admire the colorful sunsets. By the way, it is with the cape Greco associated legend of the monster, which allegedly chose the coastal waters as its haven.

2 km from Cape Greco is the state forest park Cavo Greco, where rare species of plants and flowers are collected. The park is equipped with observation platforms, pedestrian and bicycle paths, special picnic areas. In addition, here you can dive, parasail, fish, try your hand at tracking or rock climbing.

A model of the unity of nature with man and the possibility of their harmonious coexistence is a valley of windmills. The field with wind generators, intended for irrigation of the surroundings, quickly became famous as an amazingly picturesque place and became one of the favorite attractions of the guests of Protaras.

Certainly, on this the wealth of the Cypriot resort is not exhausted. Fans of architecture will never miss the church of the Prophet Elijah, fans of history can go to the Museum of the Middle Ages or a historical museum. In addition, in the vicinity of Protaras there are colorful villages, visits are recommended to explore the island and its traditions. One of these places is the fishing village of Liopetri.