How to get from Vilnius airport by bus to Riga at night?

Responsible information department of "Tourism subtleties"
According to the schedule of buses from Vilnius to Riga, a direct bus leaves at the latest at 18.30. Arrival to Riga - at 22.25 pm. The ticket price is 62 lats. There is a variant of travel on the passing flight Vilnius - Riga - Pärnu - Tallinn. This bus departs from Vilnius at 21.30, and at 01.40 you will be in Riga. In this case, the ticket will cost you only 45 LT. The next bus is morning only, 6.30 - 10.50.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that all the above-mentioned flights depart from the central bus station of Vilnius, where from the International Airport of Vilnius (Oro Uostas) can be reached by buses No. 1 or 2 (2, 50 LT) , by shuttle (shuttle) Airport Express (3 - 4 LT) or by taxi for 15 - 20 LT. The distance from the airport to the station is about 6 km, the road does not take more than 15-20 minutes

October 22, 2013

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How to get from Vilnius airport by bus to Riga at night
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