On the territory of the Czech Republic there are seven civil airports with international status, four of which are flown by regular flights from Russia

The largest airport in the country is located in its capital, Prague. Prague Airport named after Vaclav Havel accepts almost 15 million passengers a year, with more than a third of passengers flying to Prague by low-cost airlines

Airports of the Czech Republic receive a lot of tourists from Russia, and in some airports, for example in Karlovy Vary, only planes flying from our country.

The nearest airport from Prague to Prague is Pardubice airport. Until 1995 it was exclusively a military airport, and even now military aircraft often land in Pardubice. Also here take charter flights from Russia, southern Europe, as well as air freight. Tourists arriving at the airport in Pardubice, not bad save on the cost of tickets. And thanks to its proximity to the Czech capital, this airport is becoming increasingly popular

Brno is located in the international airport of Tourzany, the most popular destinations are London, Prague and Moscow. In general, Czech airports accept a lot of tourists from Russia, and in some airports, for example in Karlovy Vary, in addition to domestic flights, only planes flying from our country land.

At the airports of the Czech Republic, tourists feel very comfortable. There are also recreation areas, and restaurants, and ATMs. Of course, duty-free shops operate on the territory of all international airports in the Czech Republic. There is no special entertainment except at Pardubice airport, so if you have long hours ahead of the flight, then it's better to go for a walk to the city.

Wenceslas Havel Airport in Prague offers tourists a unique service - excursions, during which you can get to know work of those who monitor the safety of flights from the earth.

In any of the airports in the Czech Republic you can rent a car. This is very convenient if you plan to travel the country by yourself.

The largest airports in the Czech Republic are:

  • Pardubice
  • Prague

Airlines flying to the Czech Republic

Airport in Prague accepts tourists from Russia who have flown with such airlines , such as Aeroflot, Rossiya, Ural Airlines, S7, Yakutia, Czech Airlines, Polet Airlines, and Donavia. At Uzhair airport, UTair aircraft landed from Vnukovo, Moscow.

České aerolinie air company will deliver tourists to Moscow from Karlovy Vary from Moscow, Samara and St. Petersburg. Muscovites will also be able to fly with Aeroflot, and residents of the northern capital with Russia. "Ural Airlines" make flights from Yekaterinburg and Tyumen to the end point in Karlovy Vary

Pardubice Airport charters arrive at the airport of Pardubice

Which airport to choose

The most popular among tourists from Russia is the airport in Prague. And this is not an accident, because it is easy to get to any of its resorts from the country's capital by land transport.

If you want to save money, it's better to take a closer look at the flights to Pardubice or Karlovy Vary. They are relatively close to Prague, but tickets can be found cheaper.

Practical information

Airport Turjana in Brno: The flight schedule is available on the official website; phone of the airport directorate: +420 545 521 302.

Karlovy Vary Airport: The flight schedule is available on the official website; Reference phone: +420 353 360 611.

Pardubice Airport: The flight schedule is available on the official website; telephone of the airport directorate: +420 466 310 155.

Wenceslas Havel Airport in Prague: The flight schedule is available on the official website; Help phone: +420 2 20 11 33 14.