Fire and wind, the sky and fragrant herbs ... The Ukrainians managed to keep one of the most beloved holidays in the Slavs almost in its original form. The day of Ivan Kupala, originally timed to the day of the summer solstice (hence its old name - Soncekres), was moved to the date of the birth of John the Baptist, July 7. Although this date does not bear astronomical significance, the holiday takes a special place in the life of many families keeping ancient traditions.

The day of Ivan Kupala, originally timed to the summer solstice (hence its old name - Soncekres), was postponed to the date the birth of John the Baptist, July 7.

The Feast of Ivan Kupala is distinguished by the ancient national spirit. Initially, on this day, the powerful forces of nature were worshiped, people worshiped elements that, according to legend, could easily get out of control this day under the control of impure forces. In the rampage and revelry of various evil spirits believe so far, and therefore it is customary to prepare bright costumes for the holiday, designed to drive away devils, water mermaids, and wood-grouses with its color.

This is not the only tradition of the holiday. A burning wheel descends from the mountain (it bears a bright sun), sorceresses collect fragrant herbs (preparations for medicinal potions for a year ahead). In the bathing morning on the meadow drops a special healing dew, which the virgin maidens collect with the hem of white long shirts. To wash with such dew is the most reliable means for treating heat.

A special feature of the holiday is all kinds of divination. Shoes in the villages one after another fly through the fence - this is an ancient way to choose the groom's bride: who will pick up the shoe, the one who is tipped. And how many candles are put before mirrors in this magical night!
Feast of Ivan Kupala

Jumping through the fire - all sorrows burn in his flame. Caught by the hand of a girl - I certainly found myself a companion of life. The whole day the Ukrainians are searching for secret knowledge in the forests and fields, trying to look into the future and see in it the present, sincere happiness.

The ritual of descent of the maiden wreaths on the water is especially beautiful. In this flower crown, a candle is installed, the resulting structure is let go along the river. If the wreath swims far away, and the candle in it burns - this is for a long and happy life.

But, of course, the culmination of the holiday is in the search for a magical flower of the fern blooming only on the wonderful night of Ivan Kupala. The flower opens only for a brief moment, and whoever finds it will know all the secrets of the earth and heaven. It's no wonder that young people went to look for him, often calling with a pretty girl who liked him as support.

Feast of Ivan Kupala in Ukraine
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