There are such days that each of us is ready to give everything for teleportation in a quiet, cozy place, away from civilization. And in fact such is available: it is enough to open a visa to Finland and plunge into the blessed, harmonious atmosphere of a small town called Rauma.

Rauma, indeed, is a unique, original Finnish town, in which not only the historically valuable architectural ensemble, the predominant part of which are wooden buildings and houses, the dialect spoken by the inhabitants, the secrets of the craft, carefully preserved by the masters for hundreds of years, are amazing , first of all, the calmness of the streets, the absence of streams of buzzing cars, crowds of screaming tourists.

The slowness of the Finnish people is, in fact, a contagious quality. Having immersed yourself in the measured tempo-rhythm of this city, you suddenly begin to notice what amazingly blue skies can be in the middle of June, how it smells exciting, tickling your nostrils, the sea distance, how unusually deep and loved are the eyes of the person next door. The magic of Rauma is able to save, even for a while, from the hustle and bustle of big cities, so as to again run around in circles again until a new stop.
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How to get here

The easiest way is to buy an air ticket to Helsinki, from where you can reach the bus station (Tehtaankatu, 5) 3 hours and 20 minutes by a comfortable bus through the vast plains and spacious fields of Finland. Fans of traveling by train are disappointed, since there are no railway connections to the outside world. The nearest airports are also in neighboring cities (Pori, Tampere, Turku).

You can choose a vehicle by renting a car and singing along to the beloved performer singing along the highway No. 8, but not missing the pointer Rauma. Although such fabulous, wrapped up by velvet haze of the forest and shimmering in green, sapphire bowls, the lakes surrounding the city can not be missed.

Parking in the city costs 1 EUR per hour and 7 EUR per week, the maximum period of parking is two weeks. Do not forget to take the international standard, credit card and identity card.

The water spaces for Rauma's guests are always open, hospitable harbors are pushed along the shore, ready to receive into their gentle, foamy arms a vessel of any rank and caliber.

Quay, you can look around the neighborhood, climbing the wooden tower Kiikar-torni (Kiikar-torni), built as much in 1892, the truth for the service will have to pay 2 EUR. The view, by the way, is much more: an endless sea with white lambs and feather-boats, tremblingly swaying on its surface evoke tenderness and quiet delight.

Search for tickets to the city of Helsinki (nearest a / p to Rauma)

Kitchen and restaurants

Heard about the fragrant and satisfying Finnish cuisine, tourists are happy to visit the restaurants and cafes of Rauma. One of the long-established institution is Rosmarini (address: Kauppakatu 11, leaving the city church, turn left and go forward about three hundred meters, turning at the end of the square to the right). All the variety of Finnish dishes, a large assortment of national fish soups, delicious fried meat, and for dessert - a pleasant service.

A good hearty dinner will cost about 20-30 EUR.

For a daily snack, it is better to choose a Labamba cafe, where from 11 am to 3 pm a buffet is served according to the buffet principle, where for 8.90 EUR you can eat everything in unlimited quantities. To find this place, you need to leave the city church, turn left, go to the intersection and turn right, then go ahead until the small square begins on the right, and there you will not miss. Address: Posellinkatu 6.

In case you decide to invite a nice Finnish to a cup of coffee: in Finland it is customary in restaurants to pay everyone for themselves. Independence is also shown by the girls, including.

Book popular Rauma hotels at the best prices

Hotel CityHovi from 4 825 rub. Rauma Nortamonkatu 18 Best Western Hotel Kalliohovi from 6 134 rubles Rauma Kalliokatu 25 Best Western Hotel Raumanlinna from 5 790 rubles Rauma Valtakatu 5
Forenom Apartments Rauma from 13 784 rubles Rauma Various locations in Rauma Hotel Bar Maffi from 5 376 rubles Rauma Välikatu

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Rauma

Founded in the middle of the 15th century, the city took an active part in international trade, apparently, that's why the special language of the residents of Rauma began to form - a peculiar combination of Finnish, Swedish, English, Estonian, Russian and French words.

Not every Finn can understand the first inhabitant from the first words, so the most effective way of communication here is sign language.

It is better to start a city tour from the central square, flooded with benches, workshops, shops, and you have to walk around the city on foot, only this way you can truly enjoy the unforgettable, magical atmosphere of antiquity and timelessness that reigns on the streets of Rauma.

Right after the square we turn off to the Old part of the city (Vanha Rauma), which is the most valuable for travelers .Looking through the windows of low, stocky houses, solidly built of noble woods, you can see lacy snow-white curtains, clay figurines and pots, from which the well-groomed flowers are drawn to the light .Involuntarily the arrow of the dial of the clock starts spinning back and now we are in Medieval Scandinavia .Cobbled pavement, silence, unusual for modern cities, "alien" talk of people walking leisurely in their usual affairs .Time stopped.The race is over .This is Rauma .

Town Hall, Rauma, Finland Rauma
City Hall
Market Square Rauma, Finland Rauma
Market Square
Beautiful houses in the town of Rauma, Finland Rauma
Old city

Museums of Rauma

Being in the harbor, you need to look into the Maritime Museum, which differs significantly from the standard aquariums of other cities, boastfully boasting of their puny collection of ship wrecks and a set of dried rare fish .Raumsky Museum is a whole interactive school where on a specialized simulator you can feel the burden of the duties of the captain, first assistant, helmsman and other team members .On a perfectly made copy of the steamer of the 1930s, everything from the navigation system to the good old wooden steering wheel .The vessel chosen by you, according to your captain's order, will sail to the water areas near Sydney, Gibraltar, San Francisco, Helsinki .Sea voyage can be carried out on Wednesday and Sunday from 12 .00 to 16 .00 .

Safely moored at the virtual coast, we make the next stop - in the Museum of Rauma, which awaits you on the Market Square in the building of the old Town Hall .Here you can continue acquaintance with the ship's business on the example of the extensive exposition of sea vessels of the last century .And in the lace hall, rapturous sighs are constantly being heard by the young ladies - the elegant work of the Raum craftsmen amazes the tourists .Moreover, it is still possible to purchase modern variations of this needlework in souvenir shops .Silk, cotton, silver and even gold - any material in the hands of skilled workers turns into an elegant virtuoso work of art .Prices corresponding to efforts - the product costs from 30 EUR .You can visit the Rauma Museum in the summertime every day from 10 .00 to 17 .00, in the remaining months - on Tuesday and Friday from 11 .00 to 17 .00, on Saturday from 10 .00 to 14 .00 .

While in the harbor, you need to look into the Maritime Museum, which is significantly different from the standard aquariums of other cities, boastfully boasting of their puny collection of ship wrecks and a set of dried rare fish.

After driving an old boat, wrapped in lacy air shawls, it's time to dirty your sleek hands on the elbow in decorative clay in the potter's workshop of the Marela Museum .This is a huge, luxurious house of the shipowner, once known, in which the diligence of local residents fully preserved the details of everyday life, furniture, interior of the 19th century .Several attached to the main building of houses (Knapp House, Christie's House) invite you to look at the situation in which once lived an ordinary sailor, lace maker, blacksmith's family and firefighter .In summer the museum complex is open daily from 10 .00 to 17 .00, in the off-season - Tuesday-Friday from 11 .00 to 17 .00 and on Saturday from 10 .00 to 14 .00 .In the winter months only the house of Marel works from Tuesday to Friday from 11 .00 to 17 .00 .A single ticket to all museums costs 4 EUR, in winter you can visit the exposition for 2 EUR .

Do not think that in Rauma, all the museums are dedicated exclusively to seafaring and lace. Two art museums are ready to prove otherwise, presenting expositions of ancient paintings and sculptures. Visits from Tuesday to Thursday from 12.00 to 18.00 and from Friday to Sunday from 12.00 to 16.00 for 4 EUR.

Rauma. Wooden City On The Sea Shore


In summer, wine festivals are held in Rauma, Lace Week (this is usually the last week of July) is a special love, it is a wonderful holiday, during which exhibitions of works by masters, competitions for sweating, competitions for the best Miss Lace are held. How can one not be dizzy from what he saw!


What occupation do you associate with calmness, contemplation of the watery surface and at the same time with sporting excitement? Finnish fishing! The license for it can be purchased almost everywhere, even in the library. And in the swinging brigantine on the waves, you finally sink into nirvana, focusing on the float, periodically gazing lovingly at the rosy horizon.

The Finnish sauna is another pleasant kind of pastime. Find similar institutions will not work.

Photos of Rauma (10)