Add a review about the Bundla Nature Reserve

The smallest nature reserve in Goa covers an area of ​​only 8 sq. Km . km, which does not prevent it from being the most popular destination for families with children - to abandon the hot sun and the endless ocean. . Rebyatne here and the truth is easy: they are waiting for the zoo, crammed full of interesting little animals, mini steam locomotive, a game room and the opportunity to ride on an elephant (alas, only with parents) . Adults in Bundle will also like - and elephants, after all, , and a blessed tenek rare in beauty of trees with possibly to be distracted from the ubiquitous sand and cervices on the beach .

The children here are really free: they are waiting for the zoo, crammed with interesting little animals, a mini steam locomotive, a game room and the opportunity to ride on an elephant.

In general, from the wild and equipped part. In the center there is a zoological garden and a botanical garden with all the children's goods, a wild forest with real predators is around, which few, of course, have managed to see. But if you're lucky, you can see leopards, wild boars, Indian buffalo, and even the ruins of an ancient temple with stony slabs hidden from barbarian Europeans with images of Hindu gods.


Address: Road to Bondla wild life santuary, Goa. How to get there: by car at the directions from Panaji (55 km north of the city) or by sightseeing buses from Margao and Panaji. The reserve works every day from 9 am and 5 pm, but it's impossible to get to the zoo on Thursday - it's closed. Cost of visit: 5 rupees, children - 2 rupees.