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Mahabodhi Temple - the world famous Buddhist temple in the city of Bodh Gaya, Bihar. He is exactly where Gautam Sidhartha reached enlightenment and became Buddha

The temple complex includes the holy Bodhi tree that grew from the seed of the tree of Sri Maha Bodhi in Sri Lanka, which in turn originated from the original Mahabodhi tree, under which the Buddha enlightened.

In 2002, the Mahabodhi temple was included in UNESCO's list

Mahabodhi Temple

History paragraph

About 500 BC. e. Gautama Siddhartha, being at that time a wandering monk, reached the banks of the river Falga near the town of Gaya. There he settled down for meditation under that Bodhi tree. After three days and three nights, he achieved enlightenment, found answers to all questions, spent seven more weeks meditating, fastening his experience, and then went to Sarnath where he began teaching people to Buddhism.

It is believed that 250 years after Buddha's enlightenment King Ashoka visited Bodh Gaya and became the founder of the Mahabodhi temple.

For such a long existence the temple, of course, fell into decay. It was restored by the British, namely in the 19th century, Sir Alexander Cunningham, as part of the activities of the British Archaeological Society. Since 1883, Alexander Cunningham, J. Beglar and Dr. Rajendralal Miitra conducted thorough excavations in the temple, and then supervised the reconstruction of the complex. It is necessary to say that they managed to do it

How to get to

The most convenient way to get to Bodh-Gaya is by plane from Calcutta, flights are made by Indian Airlines (US $ 88). The airport is located 8 km from the city center. In addition, during the season, flights from Bangkok and Yangon fly here.

Overflowed autorickshaws (Rs 8) and rare buses (Rs 5) leave from Burmese Vihara in Bodh Gaya to the temple (13 km en route). A private autoricha from Gai will cost Rs 80.

The entrance to the temple's territory is free, photography - Rs20, video - Rs500. Opening hours: 05: 00-21: 00.

 Mahabodhi Temple, Bihar  Mahabodhi Temple
Mahabodhi Temple
 Buddha's Temple Statue, Temple Mahabodhi, Bihar  Mahabodhi Temple
Buddha's Temple, Mahabodhi Temple
 Mahabodhi Temple at night, Bihar  Mahabodhi Temple
Mahabodhi Temple at night