Add a review of the stupa in Sanchi

Another site listed on the UNESCO list is the Buddhist stupa in Sanchi . It is believed that in the heyday of Buddhism in Indian land, ruler Ashoka Maurya erected a total of 84 thousand stupas, in each which were placed a piece of Buddha's relics . The first of these was a stupa in Sanchi, erected in the third century BC . The whole construction is symbolic: the foot of the stupa is the earth, and also the worldly temptations, the stone hemisphere crowning the structure is peace of the gods, and dissolution in nirvana, the central the pillar of the stupa symbolizes the axis of the world .

Sanchi complex includes small cave temples and a museum. Lost in the centuries, Sanchi's monuments were discovered and demonstrated to the world by the British in 1818.

 Stupa in Sanchi, India  Stupa in Sanchi
Stupa in Sanchi
 Entrance, Stupa in Sanchi, India  Stupa in Sanchi
Entrance, Stupa in Sanchi