Kanchipuram (Kanchipuram, also Kanchi) is the ancient religious and cultural center of South India, nicknamed "the city of a thousand temples". In fact, in the modern Kanchi, there are 108 Shiayi and 18 Vaishnavist temples, a unique collection of the country's architectural and cultural treasures. Currently Kanchipuram is ranked among the seven sacred cities of Hinduism, which attracts many pilgrims from all over India.

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How to get to Kanchipuram

Since the city is not far from Chennai and Vellore (75 km), it is easy to get there by bus (on the way 2 hours).

Kanchi is rare, but there is a direct bus number 212 from Mamallapuram. You can also take the bus to Chengalpathy (every 15-20 minutes, 10 INR), then the bus to Kanchi (2 hours, 25 INR).

Search for airline tickets to Chennai (the nearest airport to Kanchipuramu)

Auto-rickshaws Kanchipuram

Three-wheeled auto rickshaws are the most convenient and fastest way to travel around the city. The cost must be negotiated in advance. If you want to see all the temples of the city, you should also use their services (as a rule, the move will cost about 20 INR from one point to another).

Map of Kanchipuram

Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Kanchipuram

Tourists are allowed to enter the huge Shivaite temple of Ekambareshwara (Ekambareshwara) with light yellow gopuras (temple towers) free of charge. The temple is a square building with internal galleries with vaulted colonnades and porticos with stone beasts.

The temple Varadarajaperumal (Varadarajaperumal) is a Vishnuit temple, opposite to which there is a five-meter stone pavilion. The Column Hall, located next to the temple pool, is a unique sight. Filled with columns in Vijyanagar style, each of which is decorated with a rider on horseback, a fairy bird or a flirtatious beauty. Input ~ 1 INR, right to take pictures ~ 5 INR.

Kamaksi Amman Temple attracts attention with unique white gopuramas, decorated with sculpture. Tourists are not allowed to enter.

The inactive Kailasanatha temple is outside the city, but it is worth it to visit. The temple is old, built by Pallavas in the 8th century from soft sandstone.

The existing temples of Kanchipuram are closed from 12:00 to 16:00, inactive temples are open at this time, but close at sunset.

Photo of Kanchipuram (9)