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To get to Tibet is more expensive than a trip to Karnataka or Goa (from where one often comes on excursions). And Buddhists can be found both there and there. Therefore fans, fans, researchers and connoisseurs of culture of Buddhist monks often come to this corner of Karnataka.

Small Tibet in the Indian state of Karnataka was built on donations in 1959-1963, after the Communist government of the Red China annexed the territory of Tibet by military invasion.

Especially for tourists, excursions are organized here, during which one can visit temples on the territory of monasteries. Guests get acquainted with the way of life, traditions and rituals of monks. The acquaintance is superficial enough not to bother tourists.

There is a hall for collective meditation here - a kind of center for immersion in your world. You can check how long you can sit silently and in one pose.

Some monks freely communicate in Russian, there are natives of Russia. They can tell in detail about life in Small Tibet, show all the nooks and feed them with local food.

From souvenirs from here you can take carpets - in the Craft Center the monks work with every carpet, as with a work of art.

Monasteries of Small Tibet
Mobile temple, Small Tibet, Karnataka Small Tibet
Mobile temple, Small Tibet
Young monks, Small Tibet, Karnataka Small Tibet
Young monks, Small Tibet
Small Tibet, Karnataka Small Tibet
Small Tibet
Carpets, Small Tibet, Karnataka Small Tibet
Carpets, Small Tibet
Local store, Small Tibet, Karnataka Small Tibet
Local store, Small Tibet