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On the shores of Lake Kineret in northern Israel is the ancient city of Capernaum. In the Christian world, he is regarded as the city of Jesus Christ. It was here, according to the Gospels, the main preaching work of the Messiah was carried out. Capernaum is called the small homeland of the main followers of the faith of Christ: Peter, Andrew, John and James. The city dates back to the first century of our era and, of course, survived only partly. But this, perhaps, only strengthens the interest in the unique Christian shrines that rest on its lands.

Fundamental archaeological research in the territory of Capernaum began only in the second half of the 20th century. The artifacts found as a result of the excavations allow us to assume that most of the then population was Orthodox Christians. As proof of this - crosses on excavated bowls, tiles and lamps.

The Gospel mentions that there was a public building in Capernaum serving as a chair for Jesus' sermons. Franciscan researchers did discover the foundation of an ancient building dating back to the first century of our era. Hence it can be assumed that the remains belong to the same synagogue in which Christ preached. True, on its foundation in the fourth century was erected another synagogue, known as the White. And you can watch, alas, only its ruins.

The main hall of the White Synagogue in ancient times was decorated with sculpted images of lions, centaurs and vines. In the western part of the hall there is a long stone bench and staircases. Presumably, the synagogue consisted of two tiers, the lower one - the male and the upper - the female.

The so-called house of Peter is located not far from the synagogue. It is believed that it was here that Jesus was staying during his stay in Capernaum. Most likely, the building served not as a living quarters, but as a prayer house. On the inner walls of the house are preserved ancient ornaments and inscriptions, which feature the name of Christ and the Apostle Peter. In the fifth century, an octagonal church was erected over the house.


In the thirties of the twentieth century, the Greek Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles was erected in the territory of the Evangelical Capernaum. It is quite a bright and unusual church with red domes and painted walls. Around the cathedral there is a little neglected peacock garden, from which a beautiful panorama of the Sea of ​​Galilee opens.

In addition to religious significance, Capernaum is extremely interesting from the point of view of history and archeology. On the lands of the ancient city you can get acquainted with the objects of everyday life of the first centuries of our era. In some parts of Capernaum archaeological parks with unique finds are broken. Currently, Capernaum is given the status of the National Park of Israel. There is a free car park, a shop, a toilet, a cafe and a souvenir shop in the park.

Practical information

Address: National park - Synagogue of Capernaum, Kefar Nahum, Galilee, Israel.

Phone: +972 (46 ) 721 059.

Working hours: daily from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Visiting fee: 3 ILS.

The Capernaum National Park can be reached by public buses that run along highway 90 north to the crossroads Kfar Nahum

Information is relevant for July 2013.

 Ruins of the Synagogue, Capernaum, Israel  Capernaum
Ruins of the Synagogue, Capernaum
 apernaum, Israel  Capernaum
 The ruins of the Roman city, Capernaum, Israel  Capernaum
The ruins of the Roman city, Capernaum