Hebrew is the language of the Semitic family, the state language of Israel, and its ancient form (Hebrew) is the traditional language of Judaism. Almost 2000 years of Hebrew was considered a "dead" language. Today 8 million people speak it, for five of them it is the main language.

The Hebrew alphabet consists entirely of consonants, there are no vowels at all. At the same time, Hebrew speech sounds soft and melodious thanks to vowels, although they are indicated in a letter in a slightly specific way.

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Greetings, common expressions

Hello hi Shalom
Good afternoon Yom Tov
Goodbye, bye Leithraot, shalom
Many thanks Toda Raba
Excuse me Sliha
How are you? Ma nishma?
Does anyone here speak Russian? Mishau on madaber rusit?
You are welcome Bevakasha
I do not understand Anilo Mavin / a (male / female)
What is your name? Eich korim lah? (wives.) Eich Korim Leha? (husband.)
My name is… Li Korim ...
I do not speak Hebrew Anilo medaber, medobéret Hebrew
Yes Ken
No Lo

We speak Hebrew with humor

I want to buy it for 30 shekels cheaper! Ani roce (roca) liqunote is a sheesh shlosh shekel plowing! (male / female)
Yes, my God, dear, so much even the necklace of my precious grandmother Sarah is not worth it! Elokhim adirim, Motek, Afilu Shaarshereth Shelf Saphtha Sarah a-yakara Shelley Le ole Kakha!
Are you a Jew Ata beacmeha egudi
Are you sure that these nice people will want to help me carry the suitcase? Atem betuhim sheha a-anashim a-nekhmadim a-e-yirtsu do they have a-mizvada?
Help! I did not know that today the Sabbath! Atzilu! Le yadati shabat a-yom!
So mean was not even my grandfather Yosya Afilu Saba Yosi Shelie Le Ayya Kazem Kamzan
Kiss Me Tenashek (tenashki) oti
I love you Ani ohevet otha!
You have beautiful eyes Yesh Leha, Lah Eynaim jafot

Numbers and numbers

One Ehat
Two Shared
Three Shalosh
Four Arba
Five Hamesh
Six SHash
Seven SHeva
Eight Shmone
Nine Taisha
Ten Esare
Twenty Esrem
Thirty Shloshim
Forty Arbaim
Fifty Hameshim
One thousand Elef
Million Milion

Shops, hotels, airport

I'm hungry (hungry) Ani raeve (reeve)
I'm thirsty Ani Tsam (Tama)
How to get to ... Eich leagia le ...
Which bus goes to ... Eise otobus nosea le ...
How much does it cost? Kama oh ole?
I will buy it Ani ikne ete
Can I get a discount? Efshar Lekabel Anach?

We swear in Hebrew. Slang of Hebrew

Give up Tafsik
By the buzz Ala kefak
Nishtyak Sababa
Cool Magnev
What are you doing back here? Lama atasted by?
Shit! She talks to me, and I do not remember her name is Hara! hi medaberet elai, ve-ani lo zocher, eich cor'im la
Breaking Basa
Here he is a bore Hu ma-ze no'dnik
I do not care Do you hate him
Shut up Stom et ape
Kralja Hatiha
Idiot Dafuk
What a cunning! Eise Shoal
Do not annoy me Al theatzben (teatsbeni) oti
Hey, babe Alo, Jaffephia
Jonah Shlimazl