The Dead Sea, one of the most amazing reservoirs of the planet - a resort, a hospital and an attraction "in one bottle". Here you can relax on the water surface, buried in your favorite book, treat a lot of sores - from dermatitis to lyumbago and, of course, plenty to sprawl in the healing mud (by the way, some psychologists say that floundering in the slime has a very beneficial effect on consciousness: they say, wakes up memories about the golden months spent in the mother's womb.)

Attention: banality (without it anywhere). The Dead Sea is a unique place. No, really. The water in it is extremely salty and contains almost the entire periodic table. That inevitably gives it healing properties. Well, along the desert and rocky shores of the sea there is a large number of selenium-rich thermal springs and deposits of therapeutic peloid mud. Is it worth mentioning the most developed type of rest on the banks of this extraordinary lake?

"It was a fun bath! We could not drown . Here you can stretch out on the water at full length, lying on your back and folding your arms over your chest, with the most part of your body remaining above the water . At this, you can completely raise your head . You can lie very comfortably on your back, lifting your knees to your chin and covering them with your hands - but you will soon turn over, since the head outweighs . You can stand on your head - and from the middle of your chest to the end of your legs you will stay out of the water, you will not be able to keep this position for a long time . You can not swim on your back, because your legs stick out of the water and you have to push off only with your heels . If you swim face down, then move not forward, but back . The horse is so unstable that it can not swim or stand in the Dead Sea - she immediately lies on her side . "
Quote from Mark Twain, quoted in" Entertaining Physics "by Yakov Perelman
 Dead Sea (Israel)
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 The Dead Sea (Israel)
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 The Dead Sea (Israel)
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 The Dead Sea (Israel)
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  • When the "high season "At the Dead Sea
  • Is it possible to swim in the Dead Sea in January
  • When to have a rest at the Dead Sea

Dead Sea beaches

On the Dead Sea - more than ten beaches, most of them public. They are concentrated in the areas of Ein Bokek and Hamey Zohar. Those who enjoy active leisure, choose the blossoming oasis of Ein Gedi, located near freshwater sources and an hour's drive from Ein Bokek, as the goal of their trip.

Solar radiation near the Dead Sea is practically devoid of its harmful, "hard" component: Here you can safely be in the sun for 8 hours a day . But in the sea you can swim only two (maximum three) times a day, and then - no longer than 20 minutes .Extremely salty water from the Dead Sea when exposed to mucous membranes causes severe burning .Therefore, plunging into this pond, you should protect your nose, mouth and especially your eyes from water, and in case of what - immediately rinse them under the shower .Well, sprinkle water on neighbors in the Dead Sea will only be a complete misanthrope, also completely devoid of the instinct of self-preservation .

A few more tips on the same topic: take a shower every time after swimming, do not dive (by the way, still will not work), and do not wipe your eyes with wet hands from seawater.

Dead Sea: origins, medicinal properties and therapeutic cosmetics

Dead Sea hotels

All hotels in this resort are next to the sea (rather, the lake). With them, modern health centers operate, where mud and sulfur baths are offered, inhalations, massages, cosmetic procedures, there are closed and open pools with sea water and modern gymnasiums.


In total, more than ten dermatological medical institutions work on the Dead Sea, they successfully treat many skin diseases, arthropathies and chronic arthritis. In addition, the oxygenated air of the Dead Sea helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, and high atmospheric pressure helps reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension. "Until the heap" in the local centers take (and not only take, but also treat) patients with neurological and andrologic diseases, and also offer various wellness programs with mud baths and wrapping with black clay.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of the Dead Sea

The ancient fortress of Masada (visiting the palace of King Herod, the synagogue carved into the rocks of the water reservoirs, the inspection of the camp sites of the Roman troops and their breakthrough to Masada).

Oasis of the Dead Sea - Nahal-David, Nahal-Arugot and Ein-Gedi, the national park "Qumran", "Lot's Wife" - a mountain chain of salt rocks about 20 km long. Photo of the Dead Sea (Israel) (18)