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The Università di Bologna is the oldest continuously existing in Europe, part of the Association of European Universities "The Utrecht Network ". Umberto Eco, Albrecht Durer, Nikolai Copernicus, Petrarch and other equally great people of the 11th and 20th centuries studied and taught here.


The exact date of the foundation of the university is unknown, it is known only that Irnerius opened his public lectures in 1088, which is considered the year of foundation of his institute, and occupied the chair until his death (between 1125 and 1137 years). Popularity in foreign students was also added by the wonderful climate of the city. Learn to come not only young men, but already quite grown-up, family people. Surprising for the time was the fact that it was impossible to enter the university only thanks to their position - knowledge was required both to the son of the artisan and the son of the king. As well as the fact that women were allowed to enter the subsoil, both female students and teachers

 University in Bologna
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The heyday of the Bologna law school at the university took place at the beginning of the 12th century and the second half 13. At this time other sciences are beginning to teach here: philosophy, Latin and Greek literature, medicine

Today the university includes not only campuses throughout the city, museums, research centers, the greatest library, but also branches in Italy and abroad - in Rimini, Ravenna, Forli, Buenos Aires.


  • School of Modern Languages ​​for Translators SSLMIT
  • Agriculture art
  • Art
  • Economics (Forli and Rimini)
  • Engineering
  • Sport
  • Foreign languages ​​and literature
  • Industrial Chemistry
  • Law
  • Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
  • Medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Politics
  • Cultural heritage
  • Psychology
  • Statistics
  • Veterinary Medicine


Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Address: Via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna - Partita

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