Add a review about the Monument "Zolotaya Frau" in Luxembourg

"Golden Frau", located in the center of the capital, an elegant lady, which was erected on a granite 21-meter obelisk, is a monument of a country scale (in the notions of Luxembourg, of course). The memorial appeared here shortly after the First World War in memory of the deceased Luxembourgers, who bravely fought for the freedom and independence of their tiny country in the ranks of the French troops.

As we remember from history, during the First World Luxembourg, like many European cities and even countries, was occupied by Germany. Enthusiasm on this occasion, the local people, of course, did not feel - therefore they fled to neighboring France to be able to fight. Alas, for a long period of bloody wars, their fatherland lost more than two thousand of its sons. It was this sacred victim that the "Golden Frau" stele was dedicated to.

At the top of a slender granite block is a gilded statue of a woman holding a laurel wreath of winners over the head of the whole small but brave nation.

At the foot of the stele are two bronze figures of soldiers, one of whom lies dead, embodying death for the glory of his country, the other is sitting mourning a compatriot.

At the top of a slender granite block is a gilded statue of a woman holding a laurel wreath of winners over the head of the whole small but brave nation.

It should be borne in mind that such a patriotic and anti-German memorial could not have suited the Nazis' taste that they returned to the walls of Luxembourg during the Second World War .In 1940, .the monument of the sculptor Nicolas Sito was dismantled, and the eyes of Luxembourgers returned only forty years later .Disappearingly disappeared "Golden Frau" was accidentally found under the main tribune of the city football stadium .The symbol of the nation returned to its place in 1984 .after the reconstruction and since then has been dedicated to the dead in three wars, which led Luxembourg in the terrible 20 century - two World and Korean .

And in 2010, "Golden Frau" went on a six-month vacation for the World Exhibition in Shanghai, speaking there as a national symbol of Luxembourg.

Address: Place de la Constitution.

Golden Frau