Add a review about Stony Bridge in Skopje

The main river of Macedonia, the picturesque Vardar, crossing the territory of Skopje, divides the capital into two parts: Old and New Town .Accordingly, in the old part of Skopje you can get acquainted with the main historical monuments of Macedonia: the fortress of Calais, the Mustafa-pasha mosque, the church of St. .Spas and many others .And the New Town is famous for the central city square - the area of ​​Macedonia - the main starting point for all excursions .Both parts of the city are connected by a series of bridges, and one of them itself is listed among the most striking sights of Skopje .

Ancient Stone Bridge across the Vardar River is the main city symbol. It is his image that flaunts on the flag of Skopje.

The fact is, how many years actually bridge, nobody knows. There is an opinion that it was laid down in ancient times under the Roman Empire. In general, several dozen old Roman bridges have been preserved in Europe, and the construction of the Stone Bridge in Skopje is consistent with their pattern. In this case, it remains only marvel at how advanced engineering was in antiquity.

Other evidence says that the bridge in this place of Vardara may have existed in antiquity, but the Stone Bridge, which we know today, is a relic of the Ottoman Empire. In fact, Skopje has preserved a lot of architectural monuments dating from the period of Ottoman rule. And the bridge among them stood out as strategically important, because he led straight to the Old Market - the key trading center of the empire.

There is a belief that the Stone Bridge brings luck to all who step on it with a pure heart and good intentions.

It's amazing that having survived so many centuries and events, the Stone Bridge in Skopje still serves the townspeople with faith and truth, speaking not only in the role of the capital symbol, but also an important road artery. But the structure survived a series of wars, including two world wars, and the notorious earthquake of 1963, which destroyed almost the entire city. During its existence, the bridge has undergone a number of modifications, but at present we have the opportunity to contemplate its original design - the same as it was many centuries ago.

The stone bridge is built of solid stone blocks and is supported by 12 arches of a semicircular shape. The length of the construction is 214 m, and in height - 6 m.

There is a belief that the Stone Bridge brings luck to all who step on it with a pure heart and good intentions. To realize the cherished desire, you need to stand in the center of the bridge and throw a coin in the waters of Vardara.

The stone bridge is a favorite place for capital skaters.

On the stone bridge you can go straight from the area of ​​Macedonia. And on the other side of Vardar you will find a whole cluster of museums and architectural monuments. In this part of the city, its main attractions are concentrated, including Muslim and Orthodox churches, a fortress and other monuments of antiquity and the Middle Ages.

And to rest and restore strength, we advise you to visit the excellent restaurant "Macedonian Kuja". It is located just a few minutes walk from the bridge, on the north bank of Vardara, next to the Museum of Macedonia. Here you can taste tasty dishes of national cuisine at very loyal prices.