Gunung Mulu is the largest reserve of the state of Sarawak with an extremely diverse landscape - from peat bogs to hills covered with jungles, where about 1500 kinds of flowers grow, 10 of which are carnivorous. The tops of Gunung Mulu (2376 m) and Gunung-Api (1750 m) rise above the park territory

How to get to Gunung Mulu

You can get to Mulu by plane from Miri, Limbang and Marudi, . In addition, you can use the services of a speedboat from Kuala-Baram to Marudi (travel time is 3 hours). From there, a high-speed commercial boat will be delivered to Kuala-Apokh or Long Panay on the Tutokh River (tributary of the Baram River). The boat leaves Marudi on a daily basis at 12:00 and returns early in the morning of the next day

Gunung Mulu National Park

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Gunung Mulu

The park is very popular in one of the world's largest underground cave systems. It includes the world's largest underground hall (Sarawak Hall), where you can place forty Boeing 747s at the same time. The most interesting are the caves: "Deer Cave" (pierces through the mountain) and "cave of clear waters" (one of the longest in Southeast Asia, 51 km).

You should definitely guess the time and come to the observation deck in front of the "Deer Cave" to six one o'clock in the evening. It is at this time that thousands of bats and birds go to the forest for night hunting.
 Mulu National Park, Malaysia  Gunung Mulu
 Famous Caves, Malaysia  Gunung Mulu
 Inside the Cave, Malaysia  Gunung Mulu