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Perhaps visiting the village of Chamarel located on the island of Mauritius is the best and easiest way to see the lunar landscape with your own eyes. In this amazing place, the sand dunes are naturally painted in seven different colors, which gives them an absolutely unearthly appearance.

The small village of Chamarel on the famous island of Mauritius, located in the Indian Ocean, is famous for several sights, but the main one is the colorful sands

Colored Sands Shamarel

Sandy dunes, stretching here, really amaze the imagination - red, yellow, purple, green, as if someone with an unknown hand painted them. Many who see these places for the first time, first accepts colors for bulk shadows. In the eye rushes that the "color boundaries" of sand are very clear. They do not mix with each other, but lie in even layers, despite heavy and prolonged torrential rains, gusty winds and very intense heat.

The secret of multicolored sands in the chemical processes and climatic conditions that took place in these places for a long time. The island of Mauritius is rich in volcanic rocks, and their gradual cooling and painted the land of Chamarel in such bright bizarre colors. True geologists and other researchers have not fully solved the riddle of the origin of the Seven Flowers valley.

Shamarel's multicolored sands create beautiful patterns that suggest other planets.
Multicolored sands create beautiful patterns that lead to the thought of other planets and give the local landscape a unique color and a full sense of unreality.

The best time for walking around these marvelous places is sunrise. The rising star gives an indescribable atmosphere, and the colored sands at this time are especially good. At dawn, the landscape changes here every minute, thanks to the play of light and shadow on the sands in the rays of the rising sun. In the morning, it's not so hot in the afternoon, and fewer tourists.


Visiting rules, souvenirs

Walking in the Seven Flowers Park, do not forget that walking directly on the sand is forbidden ( this can disrupt the unique ecosystem and destroy the dunes), and it is also forbidden to take it away with you. Special tourist trails are laid here, and flasks with sand are sold as souvenirs throughout the village of Chamarel. By the way, the sand in the flasks is also not mixed.

And even after shaking, after a while the sand will again lie in even layers and clearly divide into seven colors.

Iridescent sand dunes were discovered here in the mid-60s of the last century and have since been the main attraction of the Chamarel settlement and are under protection. The territory of the park belongs to the company Bel Ombre Sugar Estate, and the Seven Flowers Park starts directly behind the office of the company in which you should pay a visit.

What else to see

Among the tourists visiting Chamarel, the local rocky mountains and a beautiful waterfall , falling from the cliff, which is considered the second most colorful sight of this place after the colored dunes.

How to get there

Chamarel is in the south-western part of Mauritius, near the large town of Shemin-Grenier (25 kilometers), to the village most conveniently by car. On the outskirts of Shemin-Grenier, take the B9 road, then turn to the B104 road, which will take you to Chamarel. Another option is during the guided tour.

 Shamarel, Mauritius  Shamarel
 Pink Sands of Shamarel, Mauritius  Shamarel
Pink sands of Shamarely