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Pamplemus - a district located in the north of Mauritius - is famous for being a great place to relax. In these parts, a warm azure sea is washed by a beach with white sand, and in cozy coves there is everything to relax and have a good rest. In the same district there is also the world-famous botanical garden Pamplemus known for its rare trees and plants from which spices are extracted.

The official name of the park is the Sir Sivosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden.

The Pamplemus Botanical Garden is one of the oldest in the world .Its area is about 25 hectares, and on the territory grows more than 500 species of various plants .On the site of the garden there were once vegetable gardens, and the vegetables grown here were delivered to the table of the governor of the island .The history of the Botanical Garden dates back to 1770, at a time when the island belonged to France .French botanist Pierre Poivre, who served as an intendant of Mauritius, laid a garden here to grow plants from which it is possible to obtain spices .Followers of Poivre grew in the garden araucaria, bougainvillea, laurel trees and even the famous breadfruit .

Many trees in the garden are planted personally by political leaders: Indira Gandhi, Francois Mitterrand, Robert Mugabe.

Visitors to the garden are greeted with magnificent forged gates, decorated with coats of arms with figures of a lion and a unicorn. Travelers are enveloped in unusual smells, because here grow such fragrant plants as nutmeg, tea tree, clove, cinnamon, magnolia, camphor tree. The pride of Pamplemus are also palms, which number 80 species. The most unusual of them are "Elephant's leg", cabbage, fan palm trees. In the park there are also water plants - lotuses, lilies and water lilies.

Among the water lilies, the most famous is the "Amazon Victoria", its leaves reach 2 meters in diameter and are capable of supporting a weight of up to 50 kilograms.

It is crowded here almost always: the park is popular with tourists and Mauritians. Charming lake with watery white, pink and blue lilies and lotuses, cool and fresh in a palm grove. The main attraction of the garden is the luxurious colonial estate of Château de Mont-Plaisir.

In addition, an exact replica of the first sugar cane processing factory was built on the territory of the park. Having visited it, you can get acquainted with the process of sugar production in Mauritius.

Of the other attractions in Pamplemois, Cape Spice is certainly very interesting, located no more than 15 km from the capital of the island - the city of Port Louis .Here the gaze of the traveler reveals beautiful seascapes with characteristic rocky shores .Cap Malheure (Cape Unhappy), received such a dismal name due to a lot of shipwrecks, is a corner of wild untouched nature .Approximately one kilometer from the cape, there are two wonderful places to rest the Bay du Tombo and Bay-on-Torti .Here is a beautiful bay with warm clear water and sandy bulk beach .

With Cap Malhera a beautiful view of the many small islets scattered in the blue expanses of the sea.

Not only the park

Papmlemus is famous for its many resorts and beautiful beaches .One of the most popular holiday destinations is the Grand Baie, once a small fishing village, and today the real tourist center .Here at every step there are bars and restaurants, clubs and hotels, small shops and shops of world famous brands .Those who like the bubbling rhythm of life, stop in the center of the city, and those who prefer solitude and silence - will love the quiet outskirts of Pamplemousa .The famous beach of La Cuvette, located near the city of .For tranquility and silence, surrounded by the exotic nature of Mauritius, you should head towards Trou aux Biches, where there is a beautiful sandy beach about 3 kilometers long .

Address: Pamplemousses

Botanical Garden Pamplemous, Mauritius The Pamplemus Botanical Garden
The Pamplemus Botanical Garden
Lily, Pamplemus Botanical Garden, Mauritius The Pamplemus Botanical Garden
Lily, Pamplemus Botanical Garden
Deer, Pamplemus Botanical Garden, Mauritius The Pamplemus Botanical Garden
Deer, Botanical Garden Pamplemus
Pond, Pamplemus Botanical Garden, Mauritius The Pamplemus Botanical Garden
Pond, Botanical Garden Pamplemus
Bee at work, Pamplemus Botanical Garden, Mauritius The Pamplemus Botanical Garden
Bee at work, Pamplemus Botanical Garden