The address of the Mexican Embassy in Moscow?

Responsible information department of the "Subtlety of Tourism"
The Embassy is located at: Bolshaya Levshinsky per., 4; st.m. Smolenskaya. How to pass: exit to the street. Arbat, then along the Money Lane before crossing to B. Levshinsky Lane

Working hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, Consular Section: Reception of documents for a visa Mon-Fri 9:00 - 11:30 , issuance of documents Mon-Fri 13:00 - 14:00.

Phones: (495) 969-2879 (after the working day, the answering machine works, consular department: (495) 969-2878, 637-4848; fax: ( 495) 969-2877

More information on the website of the Embassy of Mexico in Russia

11 October 2011

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