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Chapultepec Palace in Mexico City is worth a visit not only because it is the former residence of the Mexican emperors and a real masterpiece of architecture .This panorama, which opens here (and the palace is located on a hill, at an altitude of more than 2 thousand .meters), it will be impossible to see while visiting any other attractions of the Mexican capital .As for the history of the Chapultepec Palace, it was erected in the late 18th century by the order of King Bernardo de Gálves .But the appetite of the emperor was so high that the state budget did not pull the cost of building a residence .As a result, the royal palace was put up for auction and sold after several decades, but not to the then oligarchs, but to the authorities of Mexico City .

Be sure to climb the roof of the Chapultepec Palace, because here is if not the eighth wonder of the world, then something similar. On the roof of the castle under the open sky, there is a great royal garden with trees, alleys and flower beds!

Of course, there were times when the Chapultepec Palace fulfilled its direct function of the imperial residence, but they usually did not last long .So, in the 19th century the military academy was located in the premises of the royal mansion, in the 20th century the National Astronomical Observatory was located here, and now you can see the expositions of the National Historical Museum .It turns out that during the tour of the Chapultepec Palace you can kill two birds with one stone: to be imbued with the beauty of the castle and at the same time to learn about all the interesting events from the history of ancient and modern Mexico .

Chapultepec Palace from a bird's eye view

Walking through the territory of the Chapultepec Palace, do not forget to do two things. Firstly, of course, to be photographed against the backdrop of a simply dizzying panorama of Mexico City. Secondly, be sure to climb to the roof of the castle, because here is if not the eighth wonder of the world, then something similar. What could it be? And here's what. On the roof of the castle under the open sky, there is a great royal garden with trees, alleys and flower beds!

The working hours of the Chapultepec Palace: Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 - 17:00, Monday is the day off. Admission: 59 MXN, for children (up to 13 years), as well as students, teachers and pensioners (over 60 years old) free of charge.

On Sundays, foreign tourists have the opportunity to visit the Chapultepec Palace free of charge.

This Mexico City attraction can be reached by metro. The nearest station is called Metro Chapultepec. True, it will need to walk for about 20 minutes, and since the palace is on a hill and in the middle of a forest, it will have to go uphill and through the forest thickets. You can save energy for excursions if you take a taxi or get to the imperial residence right on the tourist bus.

All prices are for July 2014