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Ecological park and natural aquarium Shel-Ha - located right on the coast an excellent place for leisure, which can be easily reached from the resorts of Yucatan .The highlight of the park is a natural lagoon, which hosts a huge number of inhabitants of the Caribbean Sea, including manta rays and manatees .Here, fans of outdoor activities can swim with dolphins and go hiking in the jungle, ride an air bike (yes, it happens!) Over the canopy of the rainforest, swim with a scuba or a pipe and mask among the colorful inhabitants of the Caribbean Sea and even steam in the traditional Indian bath temazcal .In total in Shel-Ha you are waited by about twenty attractions and entertainments .For historical attractions in the park, "the ruins of the Mayan port and settlements" answer, and just 9 km away is the famous ruins of Tulum .

In contrast to the Shkar, Shel-Ha Park is dedicated exclusively to nature and active rest. If you are more interested in the history and culture of Mexico, we recommend that you go to Shkaret.

Feel the Mayan air god Chak-Kei can be on the usual tarzanka.

How to get to Shel-Ha

Park Shel-Ha is located 44 km from Playa del Carmen, you can get from the resort by taxi for about 60 USD or on the intercity bus leaving from Fifth Avenue. From Cancun, you can also come to the park by taxi - a distance of 110 km, the cost is about 140 USD. A more economical way is to take an intercity bus, which leaves from Cancun bus station on avenida Uxmal.

In Shel-Ha dealerships in Yucatan resorts or online on the park's website, you can book a transfer directly from your hotel in Cancun or Playa del Carmen, which will cost an additional 36 USD to the ticket price.

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Shel-Ha

Shel-Ha is an exceptionally beautiful place, which combines the rich nature of the jungles of Mesoamerica and the magnificence of the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea with a mass of interesting cold-blooded inhabitants.

Water Entertainment ...

In the lagoon Shel-Ha you can swim with a mask and snorkel (provided free of charge) among colorful fish of the Caribbean, which are more than 90 species. Thanks to the fact that fresh rivers flow into the lagoon, an amazing effect of the combination of two fresh and salty waters is created, which do not mix with each other.

Relax on the water - an inflatable circle, sitting in which, you can comfortably ride down the river, watching the inhabitants of mangroves and admiring the scurrying down below the fish. The length of the route is 800 meters, during which several platforms have been installed, to which one can podgresti and rest on land.

In the underground wells-cenotes you can enjoy silence and seclusion. Overhead - a bright blue sky, the sun's rays illuminate the mysterious vaults of the cave and gild crystal clear water - an oasis of purity and relaxation according to the Mayan version.

Amazing cultural landmark Shel-Ha - swarm of bees living in an empty tree trunk.

... and "amphibians"

From the water - to the land, and here tourists are waiting for several boldly entertaining entertainments .First - jumping into the water from the Rock of Courage: five meters separates the brave from the azure waters of the lagoon Shel-Ha, and the local photographer captures the moment of triumph to the camera .Water can also be flopped in a more gentle way - at the Salpichang attraction, which is a rapid descent along an inclined rope .But Trepachanga wetting does not mean - however, tourists sometimes can not avoid it .This is an attraction offering to move from shore to shore on two sparsely stretched ropes: one to hold, the other to cross your legs .Well, feel like a Mayan air god Chak-Kei can be on the usual tarzanke - that's what literate marketing means!

Combine the pleasant with food for the mind in the grottoes Shel-Ha. The most interesting are the grotto of the goddess of the moon Ishchel and the grotto of Eldorado. Following the belt in the water along the course of the ancient river, you will see evidence of the existence here of the ancient ocean: the grotto walls store the impressions of sea shells and prehistoric plants.

Active rest on land

Nature lovers who do not want to splash like seals in the water are invited to "dry" entertainment Shel-Ha. The first step is to walk along the jungle - for this purpose, several relatively easy routes with signs and places for rest are laid here. In the Chuck Gardens you can see the trees of this rare species, planted by famous people. The ruins of the Mayan settlement are located in the tropics more often - an ancient wall with inscriptions dating from the 1st-6th centuries is interesting here, and the remains of the house of that era.

Amazing cultural landmark Shel-Ha - swarm of bees living in an empty tree trunk. This was the Maya technology for honey production. Bees are also unique - they do not have a sting and are found only in two places on the planet - in Mesoamerica and Australia. Twice a year, in June and December, on the full moon day, you can see a colorful theatrical performance of the ceremony of extracting honey.

Additional fun

Among the entertainment Shel-Ha, offered for an additional fee - swimming with dolphins and manatees - the most popular .Choose between 30 or 60 minutes of swimming; hour includes also "torpedoing" by a dolphin, during which he will give you speed by pushing his feet .Other entertainment is a walk along the seabed in a diving suit in the company of dolphins and manta rayes .And here you can fully immerse underwater with aqualung and a non-certified diver .Snuba-diving is a technology in which oxygen is fed through a hose from the land, so it is not necessary to understand the intricacies of handling cylinders .

Shel-Ha is the only place on the planet where even dancers unfamiliar with diving can sink in the senough wells.
Relax after a cognitive day is possible in the traditional Indian bath temazcal, where the practice of cleaning not only the body, but also the soul first.

Opening hours and cost of visiting

Shel-Ha Park is open every day without holidays and holidays from 8:30 to 18:30 in the summer and from 8:30 to 17:30 in the winter.

The cost of visiting the park is 80 USD with online purchase and 89 USD at the park cash desk. Children under 4 years old admission is free, at the age of 5 to 11 years, a 50% discount is provided. In addition to entertainment, the ticket price includes breakfast and lunch buffet, drinks during the day, as well as equipment rental, a towel and a locker in the locker room. On the Shel-Ha website, you can book tickets in advance and get a discount: 15% for 21 days before and 10% for reservations with a margin of 20 to 7 days before the date of the visit.

Combined tours are also offered with a visit to the archaeological park of Tulum or the Mayan ruins of Koba.