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Tenochtitlan - the name of the ancient city, the capital of the Aztecs, destroyed in the 16th century by conquerors - Spanish conquistadors led by Ernan Cortes. Today there were only ruins left by Tenochtitlan. They lie almost in the heart of the modern capital of Mexico City. Everyone who visits them is amazed at how great and beautiful this ancient city was at its peak.

The paragraph of history

Tenochtitlan was formed in 1325 in the midst of Salt Lake Texcoco. Why in the middle of the lake? Everything is extremely simple: the Aztec god ordered the sun god and the war of Huitzilopochtli. I had to work hard to build a whole settlement on the water. Gradually the city grew. There were dams and bridges, canals and lakes, which were moved by boats - almost like in modern Venice. About 300 temples erected God-fearing Aztecs. For the city to flourish, they regularly brought human sacrifices.

The second century of Tenochtitlan's existence was coming to an end. Nothing foretold troubles, as quite unexpectedly the army of Spanish conquistadors attacked the city. Within a few months, the Aztecs defended themselves, but they could not resist the onslaught of the conquerors. The great city fell. Local residents were destroyed, and buildings destroyed. Nevertheless, to the present day the ruins of Tenochtitlan have reached. Today they are one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of Mexico.

An unusual material was used by the Aztecs in the construction of the altar to the god Tsompantli - stone skulls in the amount of 240 pieces.

Lower city

The Lower City, built by the Aztecs underground and not found by the Spanish invaders, was best preserved. The main attraction of the legendary Tenochtitlan is the temple with the altar god Tzompantli

An unusual material was used by the Aztecs in the construction of this altar - stone skulls in the amount of 240 pieces. Images of skulls, by the way, can be seen on other ruins. The inhabitants of Tenochtitlan were obsessed with them. The skulls, in their opinion, symbolized the other world.

How to look

Today, the most beautiful city of the Aztecs is best viewed by a tourist bus. The ticket for it costs 125 pesos. The bus follows the circle and makes stops near the most important sights, and there are a lot of them. But the greatest interest from tourists comes from Templo Mayor temple complex, discovered by archaeologists only in the 17th century

Tenochtitlan ruins are located just outside the center of modern Mexico City - just five hundred meters. Visiting the ancient city is completely free. To get here, you can take the metro and drive to the square of El Socalo. It is she who is surrounded on all sides by the remains of the ancient city.

 Image Tenochtitlana, Mexico City  Tenochtitlan
Image Tenochtitlan
 Aztec Mask, Mexico City  Tenochtitlan
Aztec Mask
 Tenochtitlan in the miniature, Mexico City  Tenochtitlan
Tenochtitlan in the miniature
 Aztec skulls, Mexico City  Tenochtitlan
Aztec skulls