Add review about Chapel of Mercy Bozhiego

Chapel of Mercy of God - Chapelle de la Misericorde - one of the oldest buildings in Monaco. It was built in 1639 as a meeting place for the Brotherhood of the Blackheaded Penitents of the Sinners. Despite its gloomy name, the Brotherhood was exceptionally bright: in medieval Italy and France they helped the sick and poor, lepers and plague, visited prisoners and doomed to death criminals.

During the French Revolution, the elegant baroque building suffered significant damage, and most of the interior and treasures of the Brotherhood were plundered. Later, fortunately, the chapel still restored, adding the facade with pilasters and capitals, as well as mosaic paintings of Ernest Sprege.

The main treasure of the chapel is the wooden sculpture of Christ, executed by the official sculptor of the Emperor Napoleon I - Francois Joseph Bozio.

The main treasure of the chapel is the wooden sculpture of Christ, executed by the official sculptor of Emperor Napoleon I - Francois Joseph Bosio. In addition, it is famous for its beautiful multi-colored marble altar.

Most of the beauties of Chapelle de la Misericordo are donations and gifts of penitents: candlesticks and bowls, statues of the Virgin Mary and ancient gold and jewelry.

Address: Monaco, Place De La Mairie. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10: 00-18: 00.