Read 1 review about La Condamine
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La Condamine is a business center of the country with a port, offices, as well as numerous shops, cafes and restaurants. There are many tourist places here: we recommend walking along the pedestrian Rue Princes-Carolina street and the exotic park Jardin-Exotic with 7000 live cacti, see the Museum of prehistoric anthropology, the Church of St. Devote and the Big Market.

 La Condamine, panorama , Monaco  La Condamine
La Condamine, panorama
 Houses in La Condamine, Monaco  La Condamine
Houses in La Condamine
 Yachts in La Condamine, Monaco  @ La Condamine
Yachts in La-K ondamin

Reviews of La Condamine (1)

Evaluation 9

Beautiful, but it's worth to arrive no more than 2 days 03 December 2013

was here in May 2013
I went to La Condamine with my husband for one day, according to the bus tour program. There was plenty of free time, so we had the opportunity to walk around the neighborhood and see the local attractions.
There are so many mountains and rocks, I was struck by the train station, which is right in the mountain. Having not a large number of flat territory, the city is simply unusually equipped and very beautiful. The buildings are built on the mountains, and in the rock and on the roofs of each other - unique. Another thing that struck me was that ... Read the full review
 La Condamine  La Condamine  La Condamine  La Condamine  La Condamine