Moorings in Monte Carlo

The US Central Intelligence Agency published on its official website a new rating of life expectancy in different countries of the world.

Let's start with the bad news. Russia is still in the middle of the second ten, at 152 places: the average duration in our country is 69, 8 years. Let's drop the reflections on the "why everything is so bad" and look at the winners. Longest in the world live subjects of the principality of Monaco: the average life expectancy here is almost 90 years! The top twenty looks like this:

  1. Monaco, 89.63
  2. Macau, 84.46
  3. Japan, 84.19
  4. Singapore, 84.07
  5. San Marino, 83.12
  6. Andorra, 82.58
  7. Guernsey, 82.32
  8. Switzerland, 82.28
  9. Hong Kong, 82.20
  10. Australia, 81.98
  11. Italy, 81.95
  12. Liechtenstein, 81.59
  13. Canada, 81.57
  14. Jersey, 81.57
  15. France, 81.56
  16. Spain, 81.37
  17. Sweden, 81.28
  18. Israel, 81.17
  19. Iceland, 81.11
  20. Anguilla, 81.09

At the very bottom of the ranking were South Africa and Chad, where the average life expectancy does not exceed 50 years.

2 July 2013
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