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The deepest and most beautiful lake in Mongolia - Hubsugul (formerly called Kosogol, Mongolian Huvsgel Dalai) - Blue pearl - a large freshwater lake with crystal clear water and picturesque coast in the north of the country, near the border Russia. The water in Hubsugul is fresh, clean, with a remarkable mineral composition, suitable for drinking in raw form. In Khubsugul alone, about 1-2% of the world's fresh water reserve is concentrated.

Hubsugul is one of the 17 oldest lakes, whose age is about 6 million years - this is a giant crater of an extinct volcano filled with water, which explains its depth (272 m). Hubsugul is considered a sacred place by local residents.

The water in Hubsugul is fresh, clean, suitable for drinking in raw form, with a remarkable mineral composition. In Khubsugul alone, about 1-2% of the world's fresh water reserve is concentrated.

The lake is often called the younger brother of Baikal - and their similarity is not only external. From the southernmost point of Lake Baikal to the northern point of Hubsugul is only 230 km. They are connected by the river Egine Gola, which flows into Selengu, the largest tributary of Lake Baikal (however, before the waters of the Khubsugul get to Lake Baikal, rivers carry them 1200 km along the steppes of Mongolia and Transbaikalia). Geologically Hubsugul is close to Baikal with coastal landscapes, a single fault of the earth's crust, a similar crescent shape and asymmetric underwater slopes of the basin

Hubsugul National Park

Lake district is a national park with an area of ​​838 thousand hectares, where one, another, the Central Asian steppe and the Siberian taiga. The lake is located at the foot of the ranges Bayan-Zu, Hin-Nuuru and Munku-Sardyk, and its banks are densely overgrown with 25-meter larches descending to the water's edge - all this remains an untouched oasis of wild nature and is carefully guarded.

Rich and the flora and fauna of the Khubsugul National Park is diverse: about 750 species of trees, bushes, mosses and lichens; about 170 species of birds, including such rare species as the swan-swan, mountain goose (endemic mountain lakes of Central Asia), Bustard, mountain vulture, three colonies of silver gulls; many animals of the national park are listed in the International Red Book - Siberian mountain goat, argali, moose, wolf, wolverine, musk deer, brown bear, sable; Also in the lake there are nine species of fish (including lenok, grayling)

Mongolia, Hubsugul lake

There are four islands on the Hubsugul lake:

Dalai-Modon-Kuis-Aral Island (Dalai-Kui) - The largest, located in the center of the lake 10 km from the east coast. Almost round, densely overgrown with deciduous forest, with a mountain 1819 m high in the center. In the east of the island there is a unique spit of pebbles and boulders, forming a small lagoon - non-sandy spits in nature are extremely rare. Many legends associate the island with shamanic rituals and shrines, supposedly preserved on the island to the present day.

The most beautiful legend tells about the emergence of Dalen-Kuy Island and the lake as a whole: "... A powerful fountain hit the ground, pouring everything around. Many mountains, wonderful pastures and forests have disappeared under water. Then the hero seized the rock and shut up the fountain. And the floods that have spilled formed Lake Hubsugul. The rock with which the fountain was blocked by a fountain sticks out and is now in the middle of the lake by the wooded island of Dalai-Kui.

Elisin-Hupsun Island is slightly smaller and is located 25 km south of Dalay-Kui, the third island of Baga-Kri is located in the southern part of the lake, and the fourth was located in front of the mouth of the Turta River in the northern part of Khubsugul and has already disappeared under water.

Tourism to the lake Hubsugul

Lake Hubsugul is a popular tourist attraction of Mongolia. There are more than 30 tourist bases in the village of Khatgal on the south-western shore of the lake, as well as in the village of Khanh in the north. There is a ferry "Sukhbaatar."

Travelers are attracted not only by the pristine nature of the lake and its environs, but also by Mongolian exotics: national felt yurts, Mongolian cuisine with poses and chorchog - lamb cooked on hot stones - all these are local hotels . In the neighborhood wandering horse shaggy yaks with wooden arbas with decorated arches and hay on the couches, local people dress in traditional Mongolian sheepskin coats with colorful embroidery and bright sashes at the waist, and still have x you can see the old Russian rifles (but with Chinese patrons) .

In winter, fans of extreme expeditions can ride on the ice of the lake on horse-drawn sleighs or dog sleds; at other times here you can go hiking or cycling; horseback riding along the coast of the lake and the Darhad Basin; to spend the night in tents near the taiga fire, not firsthand acquainted with the life of the Mongolian nomads.

Lovers of fishing know the Hubsugul well for excellent fishing: the distance from Irkutsk is comparable with the distance to the island of Olkhon on Lake Baikal, and meanwhile, the local fishing is much more rewarding and richer. According to experts, caught in the lake lenok and burbot reach a huge size.

How to get there?

From Russia it is easy to get to the lake through the checkpoint in the village of Mondy - the road to the right on the Tunkinsky valley from Kutulka from the Russian side is paved. Then, after the bridge over Irkut, a primer begins, linking the checkpoint and the village of Khanh to the north of the lake

Do not forget to refuel the tank in Kultuk and refuel in Kyrene. In Mondays, there is a refueling, but it may not work, and when crossing the border, you can transport one twenty-liter canister filled with fuel in the car. In the north of Khubsugul, you can refuel only in the village of Khanh, and only with diesel fuel and gasoline A-80.

The remaining roads are forest, with large stones, deep ruts, swampy areas and fords across fast rivers. The only bearable road to the village of Khatgal runs along the eastern shore of the lake. The West Bank is a steep slope of mountains approaching close to the water, heavily overgrown with thick deciduous forest - you can only pass along the path on horseback.

Cars can be rented at tourist bases in Hanghe, or you can travel by car. It is best for such trips to choose SUVs such as UAZ or GAZ-66, or light all-terrain vehicles such as the Niva - in heavier places heavier cars can fall through the thin turf into the quagmire, and cars are stuck in a deep rut.

 Seagull on Lake Khubsugul, Mongolia  Lake Hubsugul
Chaika on Lake Hubsugul
 Lake Hubsugul, Mongolia  Lake Hubsugul
Lake Hubsugul