Add review about Museum of Fine Arts. Zanabazar

The creation of the first museum of Mongolia was initiated by the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. It happened after Bogdo Khan's death in 1924, and the museum was opened in his former residence.

In 1956, under the leadership of architect Chimid, the construction of a three-story building specially created for the Central Museum was completed: ceilings of more than five meters in height were to allow to place in the museum rooms the skeletons of giant tarbosaurs. Initially, the museum's expositions were divided by floors, but with the growth of museum collections, the reorganization was gradually proceeding. It was then that the collection of works of art was transported to a separate building built in 1905

The first guests visited the Museum of Fine Arts. Zanabazar (Zanabazaryn Uran Zurgiyn Museum) July 23, 1966 At that time in the museum's collection were about 300 works of art created by talented artists and sculptors of Mongolia of different eras. To date, the museum is a professional institution of national importance, not only storing masterpieces of national fine arts and nomadic civilization, but also continuing research and educational work.

In the collection of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Zanabazar there are exhibits telling about the culture of the ancient Chingisid capital - Karakorum, a lot of religious objects, a grand collection of paintings and sculptures.

The oldest exhibits of the Museum of Fine Arts. Zanabazar - the walls of caves, covered with petroglyphs - ancient rock carvings of primitive people.

The first Bogdo Khan Undur-gegen Zanabazar, after whom the museum is named, also left its mark on the culture and art of Mongolia: the museum keeps its unique paintings and sculptures . In addition, here you can see many other rare and sometimes very ancient religious objects such as scrolls of a tank, Buddha statues, etc.

The collection of Buddhist iconography of the 13th-18th centuries, contour applications, traditional masks and attires , used during Buddhist theatrical dances - Zam.

Zanabazar Museum Ulaanbaatar

The oldest exhibits in the Hall of Ancient Art - the walls of caves in which primitive people lived. Ancient petroglyphs depict petroglyphs depicting the movements of people and animals dating back to the days of the glacial period

In the Hall dedicated to the Bronze Age BC, in which the ancient man learned to artfully create from bronze various objects, beginning with the most important weapons and tools and finishing decorations, you can see the remarkable exhibits of that time - sabers, knives, necklaces and bracelets. Also here are ancient reindeer stones related to the Bronze Age - massive stone slabs with images of deer, horses and various ornaments.

How to get here

Address: Khudaldaany Street, Barilgachdiin Square Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Opening Hours: Summer and in the autumn every day from 9:00 to 18:00, in the winter and spring - from 10:00 to 17:00.

The cost of an adult ticket is 5000 MNT (Mongolian tugriks)

The museum is located very close to the center and the main street Ulan-Bator Prospect Mira (Enkh-Tayyiv-Orgon), can be reached on foot. By bus, you can drive for 400 MNT, on a trolleybus for 200 MNT, for ubiquitous sailing minibuses - for 300-500 MNT. The nearest stops are Ard Cinema on the street. Baga Toirouu, Tengis and Erh Celenei Talbain Urdah bus buallah at Sambou Street

In a taxi you will pay 600 MNT per km.

Considering what grandiose traffic jams are going on in the center of Ulaanbaatar during the day, seriously consider the option with walking walk.