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Mongolia is famous for the beauty of nature, its virgin purity and boundless expanses. The country's greatest natural landmark is the Gobi desert, enveloping Mongolia in a sandy arc from the Altai and Tien-Shan mountains along the border with China to the Nanshan and Altyntag mountains and the Yellow River. Gobi shakes its size: its area is 1.5 million square meters. km, and on these vast expanses there is much interesting.

The density of the population here is roughly 0, 28 people per square kilometer. That is, you will pass a few hundred kilometers without encountering any settlements. At the same time, many small settlements will be designated on the map, most of which turn out to be migrant camps in two or three yurts.

In Mongolian, the name of the desert means "waterless place". For 65 million years of the Gobi's existence, practically nothing changes, except that the wind, shifting the sand dunes, extracts the hardened bones of ancient dinosaurs to the surface.

The remains of prehistoric dinosaurs were found in the Gobi Desert in the early 20th century by scientists of the American Museum of Natural History who sought evidence of the theory that Central Asia is the cradle of human civilization. The fossilized bones, dinosaur eggs and their nests helped to make a lot of discoveries about how these ancient lizards lived and how they grew their offspring.

One of the most stunning deserts of the world, the Gobi is painted and fashioned by the forces of nature from transparent yellow sands, solonchaks and rocks, vibrating red-hot air and a rumble of silence.

However, in part the Gobi desert still remains untouched by a man who did not see him, did not feel the footsteps of his feet. The border between the two worlds lies along the Nemegatin depression, followed by specially trained scientific groups or brave travelers.

The Mongols have a division of the Gobi Desert into 33 sectors, although it is difficult for a person who is not familiar with it to understand and imagine it. 33 small deserts inside one huge Gobi differ in structure types, types of vegetation and flowers: there are flowering steppe plains, picturesque cliffs, clayey and stony hamades, vast hollows, saxaul groves, rare oases, solonchaks and other terrain diversity.

One from the most stunning deserts of the world, the Gobi is painted and molded by the forces of nature from transparent yellow sands, solonchaks and rocks, vibrating red-hot air and a rumble of silence . In fact, the Gobi sandy part is only 3% of the entire territory Desert landscapes, its other expanses show unique landscapes from clay and stone, fascinating landscapes, where many animals and plants also live. . Black desolate gazelles and goby brown bears, wolves, saigas and camels live in different parts of the desert, all of them managed to adapt to hard life in the desert . The Gobi also has very few mountain pastures in the world-argali, kulans, gazelles and gazelles .

Gobi Desert

Its mysteriousness, age, amazing imagination, many hidden in it secrets and legends attract the Gobi desert brave and enthusiastic travelers from all corners of the world . Here many scientific and research expeditions are equipped, tourists go on all kinds of transport, from confident and safe jeeps and ending with horses and camels . Thanks to their wild beauty, preserved following the ancient inhabitants of the planet and the ruins of the greatest Mongolian empire, the Gobi remains one of the most important and interesting sights of Mongolia .

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Gobi Desert, Panorama
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@ Caravan, Gobi Desert
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Searing Sun, Gobi Desert
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Gobi Desert
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Lean Desert Flora of the Gobi