Are there restrictions in clothing and behavior in Morocco?

Responsible Margarita Lebedeva, Space Travel
In Morocco, there are no special restrictions on clothing and behavior, except for the generally accepted rules of conduct in the Arab countries.
Responses information department of the "Tourism subtleties"
Morocco, on the one hand, is an Islamic country where it is recommended to take into account the traditions and customs of the local population, to dress and behave appropriately. But, on the other hand, Morocco is quite a popular tourist destination, where many things (especially in the tourist zone) are looked at with great understanding.

So, there are no strict restrictions on the chastity of the outfit on the hotel territory - any swimwear only it is not recommended to sunbathe topless), and on the territory of the hotel you can walk in shorts, short skirts and sarafans, put on blouses from the decollete.

Outside the hotel, you should avoid freedom in clothes - ideal is a closed light clothing made of natural t cane, allowing the skin to breathe: so you not only save yourself from unwanted looks, but also protect the skin from excessive exposure to sunlight. However, in addition to long skirts, fully covering the legs and blouse with a long sleeve, jeans and t-shirts, midi skirts and capri pants are acceptable for women. On public beaches (not hotel rooms) we recommend swimming in ordinary swimsuits - in a bikini you may not be understood.

However, unlike some other Islamic countries, in Morocco, when you appear on the street in a defiant outfit, you will not have to explain to the police. Maximum - when you go to a remote non-tourist area, be prepared that you can point a finger at you (especially children).

In addition, unmarried couples should not advertise their relationship, as the traditions of Morocco forbid being a man and a woman in one indoors.

To behave in Morocco is benevolent, it is quite possible to maintain general conversations on many topics, but not to enter into long emotional conversations with local ones. Especially it is not recommended to raise the topic of religion - local residents understand other religions with understanding, but are not particularly tolerant of atheists, or of people expressing confessional uncertainty. By the way, mosques are not forbidden to Muslims, so you can admire only their magnificent external decoration.

In Morocco, you can not photograph not only military facilities, but even various exhibits at exhibitions and museums. It is also not recommended to photograph police officers and local women without asking for permission.

When going to public places, and especially on the market, one should not take large amounts of money with him, and keep a purse better. It is best not to disregard annoying sellers-this often leads to an increase in harassment, and gently and politely explain to them that they are not going to buy anything.

But in Morocco there is no ban on smoking in public places, alcohol can be freely used here - in difference from other Muslim countries

August 22, 2014

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