Tangier is a large port city of Morocco, attracting tourists with its ancient medina, a beautiful beach, many good restaurants and the Museum of Modern Art, which is worthy of any European capital. Tanger is located in the extreme northern point of Morocco, nestling in a picturesque harbor.

One of the main highlights of Tangier is that it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean at the same time.
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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Searching for air tickets to the city of Casablanca (nearest airport to Tangier)
  • 2 Tangier's climate
  • 3 Beaches
  • 4 Tangier's entertainment, excursions and attractions
    • 4.1 Tangier and surroundings

How to get here

Tangier-Ibn Batouta Airport is located 12 km from the center of Tangier. A taxi to the city will cost you about 10 EUR during the day. Trains from Casablanca, Meknes, Fez and Marrakech and several European cities arrive at the Tangier train station.

It is quite convenient to use night trains, but to sleep in them, you should bring a sleeping mask - the light in the cars does not turn off all night . In addition, you will have to check tickets several times throughout the trip.

In addition, you can get to Tangier on the water - from 9 am and 10 pm every two hours from the Spanish city of Tarifa ferries are sent here. Ferries leave from the Spanish city of Algeciras, but they arrive at a port located 40 kilometers from the city.

  • Is there a water connection between Barcelona and Tangier

Search for air tickets to Casablanca (the nearest airport to Tangier)

Tangier's climate

 Tangier March 1, Sunday
Cloudy, light rain
+ 16 ° С in the afternoon
+ 10 ° С at night
@ ° C water
 Tangier March 2, Monday
+ 18 ° C in the afternoon
+ 8 ° C at night
° C water
 Tanger March 3, Tuesday
+ 19 ° C in the afternoon
+ 10 ° C at night
° C water
Forecast of the weather in Tangier for 10 days
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep ok no dec
day + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 22 + 25 + 28 + 29 + 27 + 24 + 20 + 17
at night + 9 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 13 + 16 + 19 + 19 + 18 + 16 + 12 + 10
water + 14 + 15 + 16 + 18 + 20 + 22 + 24 + 24 + 25 + 22 + 19 + 16

The fact that Tangier is considered one of the best resorts of the Regona is conducive to and excellent climatic conditions. In the summer months, the thermometer's column rises to +30 ° C, but due to geographical features, the heat is practically not felt. In winter, the average daily temperature is +17 ° C. Most precipitation falls from November to February. Water during the summer months warms up to + 25 ° C, and in winter its temperature does not exceed +15 ° C.


Despite the fact that Tangier is famous for its beach rest, it is better not to use city beaches here not too clean, usually quite noisy and very crowded. But if you drive a little west of the city, the beaches will be really good.

Book popular Tangier hotels at the best prices

Hotel Cesar & Spa from 4,963 rubles Tangier Avenue Mohamed VI El Minzah Hotel from 6 548 rubles Tangier 85, Rue De La Liberte Golden Tulip Farah Tanger from 5 652 rubles Tangier Cap Malabata Zone Touristique El Ghandouri
Solazur Business & Spa from 4,687 rubles Tangier Avenue Mohamed Vi El Oumnia Puerto from 4,618 rubles Tangier 10 Avenue Beethoven Atlas Rif & Spa from 3 102 rubles Tangier 152 Avenue Mohamed Vi
Ramada Encore Tangier from 2 895 rubles Tangier Lot n ° 1 Baie de Tanger Ibis Tanger City Center from 2 275 RUB Tangier Tangier Offshore Plazza Hôtel Rembrandt from 2 413 rubles Tangier Boulevard Mohamed V
Marco Polo from 1 723 rubles Tangier 2, Rue Antaki

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Tangier

The main attraction of the city is the area of ​​the ancient medina with its fortress Kasb, which was built by the Portuguese in the 18th century. From the observation platform in Kasb, the Strait of Gibraltar is visible, and even the mountains on its Spanish side.

In ancient Medina, there are majestic mosques, ancient houses and palaces, and most importantly the "Grand Bazaar" where you can buy world-famous handmade carpets, gorgeous dishes, spices and oriental sweets, and touch the distinctive Moroccan culture - buyers entertain fakirs, dancers and snake charmers.

Streets of Tangier

In the modern part of Tangier there is the square of France with the popular café "Paris", as well as the Sokko square with numerous cafes and restaurants .From the square begins a pedestrian street that passes through the main sights of the city and ends at Kasbah .There you should see the Sultans Palace, built in the 17th century: it houses the Museum of Ancient History with the famous Roman mosaic "The Travel of Venus" and the Museum of Moroccan Art .Not far from the palace are the Great Mosque and the gardens of Mendoubia with trees that have passed the age of 800 years .

Another tourist attraction will be the Pastor boulevard - the administrative and financial center of Tangier, April 9 square - the embassy and consulate area, Mohamed VI boulevard - the coastal zone of entertainment centers, cafes and restaurants, Hassan II Boulevard.

At 18 km from the city on the beach are the famous "Herculean pillars" (caves formed by sea water). According to Greek mythology, it was there that Hercules was resting and restoring his strength after he discovered Tangier and created the Strait of Gibraltar.

To the east of the city lies Cape Malabata, on which there is a lighthouse - from there you can admire absolutely stunning views of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Photos of Tangier (1)