What is the average cost of lunch and dinner in Morocco?

Responses information department of "Tourism Thinnesses"
On average, a lunch account for one person in an inexpensive Moroccan cafe is about 30-40 Moroccan dirhams (110-140 rubles). Dinner here will cost about 60-70 dihram (up to 300 rubles). A decent lunch or dinner for two in a restaurant will cost about 250 dirhams (about 900 rubles)

If you just need a snack without ceremony, - in inexpensive snack bars you can order lunch for 20 dirhams (70 rubles), consisting, for example, of quarters of chicken with French fries and salad. There are also McDonald's: a combined lunch will cost about 55 dirhams (190 rubles), a separate bigmark - 35 dirhams (125 rubles)

July 18, 2013

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