Carpet Market, Marrakech

While most of the North African states are only trying to move away from the consequences of the Arab spring and settle matters in the tourism industry, Morocco continues to withdraw the cream from the redistribution of the flow of travelers.

According to the tourism authorities of the country, from January to August, Morocco was visited by over 7 million foreign nationals - a 7% increase over the same period a year earlier .The main growth was in the traditionally popular Marrakech and Casablanca: local hoteliers repeatedly noted the increased demand from foreign clients and a high level of occupancy of rooms .Along with the increase in the tourist flow, the total spending of travelers increased: for the first eight months of this year, foreign tourists left in the country almost 39 billion dirhams (about 152 billion rubles) - plus 2, 1% to last year's indicator .

October 25, 2013
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