View of the mausoleum of Muhammad V, Rabat

The tourist industry in Morocco has set a historic record, having adopted in 2013 more than 10 million tourists.

From January to December, the North African state was visited by 10 million and 46 thousand foreign travelers, which is 7% higher than the year before. In parallel with the tourist flow, the total number of overnight stays in local hotels increased, plus 9% to last year's mark. Three countries, whose citizens travel more often to Morocco, were Italy (+15%), Germany (+13%) and Spain (+12%). In the rating of the most popular destinations, everything is still unchanged: foreigners prefer Marrakech, Agadir and Casablanca more than others.

Accurate data on Russian tourists were not published, but it should be recalled that last summer, Russian tour operators also noted an increase in demand for the Moroccan direction. So, in June the number of daily flights from Moscow to Casablanca increased to four, and additional charter flights were organized by the travel agencies "Pegasus", "Anex" and Coral.

February 7, 2014
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