Leopard killed more than 15 people in Nepal
Leopard killed more than 15 people in Nepal
Leopard killed 15 people

The remote area of ​​Nepal was subjected to the real terror of the leopard-eater, while the authorities believe that over the past 15 months he has already killed more than 15 people. Worse still, the beast continues to hunt near small villages bordering on its habitat, if it is not stopped.

The last victim of the leopard was a four-year-old boy, whose remains were found in the jungle, near his village, at the end of last week. According to CNN, two-thirds of the victims of the leopard were children under the age of 10 years. The remaining victims were older children and one 28-year-old woman who wandered into the forest alone.

Representatives of the district Baitadi, in which the murders occurred, believe that they are dealing with one or, possibly, two leopards, but no more. They also fear that the number of human casualties may be greater, 15 because the animal habitat borders on India, where similar leopard attacks on humans have also been recorded in recent months.

6 November 2012
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