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Holland Football Life Center - "Amsterdam Arena". With this statement, you can argue, for example, the fans of "PSV", but against history you can not trample. The best club of the country - the centennial "Ajax" - in 1996 received a new house. Here are the most interesting football matches of the internal championship. Here the participants of the Euro-2000 fought. Here were Michael Jackson and the Rolling Stones. Finally, the stadium accommodates more than 50 thousand spectators - this is an excellent indicator for Europe.

One hundred forty million EUR, which were invested in the construction of the Amsterdam Arena, paid for itself. In order to come here, it is not necessary to be a fan. It's just nice to be in the stadium. From a distance it looks like an alien ship, strewn with pipes and holes to absorb the human mass. And inside - silence and green spaces. Unfortunately, you can not walk on the lawn. And so you want to take off and feel the soft grass with your bare feet

 Amsterdam Arena  Amsterdam Arena
Amsterdam Arena

In the days of hot football battles the stadium almost to the outset - 51 thousand people. To get to the game "Ajax" against "PSV" or "Feyenoord" is difficult. Tickets must be bought in advance. And the second-hand dealers take the exorbitant price - up to 200-300 EUR per ticket for the usual place.

During the concerts "Arena" receives 68 thousand spectators. Performances are held here every month. When many "stars" open a tour, you can come here at least once a week. The benefit of tickets is quite affordable - the dance floor will cost 60-70 EUR, the fan zone - 100-120.

One of the main tasks that faced the designers was to find a place for the stadium in the city so that it could be easily visited by any transport. Caring people made parking for 12,000 cars. Thought out ancillary places for people with disabilities. On the way to the "Arena" you rarely see human traffic - spectators quickly enter the stadium. No crush and confusion

The nearest metro station from the stadium is the Amsterdam Beylmer Arena. From her on foot minutes 20. Brooks of fans gradually form a big river - it is bright, colorful, screams and drinks beer.

The museum of the football club "Ajax" works at the stadium. Here are exhibited European cups and other awards, which earned one of the best clubs in Europe. By the way, Ajax is one of four owners of all the main trophies of the Old Continent. The team won the Champions League, the UEFA Cup and the Cup Winners' Cup.

Excursions are constantly held at the stadium. Regular schedule as such is not present - it is necessary to arrive on "Arena" and wait, when the group from 10 persons will be typed. It happens quickly. In the FC office you can buy a ticket for the nearest game. True, foreigners can only buy special "packages" that include several matches

"Amsterdam Arena"

"Amsterdam Arena" is the official name of the stadium. Fans of Ajax have their own version. They call it the Rinus Michels Stadium. Michels coached this club, considered the inventor of total football. After his death in 2005, the fans of "Ajax" wanted to persuade the leadership of the stadium to rename the arena in honor of Michels. But they refused. Now every home match of "Ajax" has a banner with the inscription "Rinus Michels Stadium."

 Amsterdam Arena during the match, Amsterdam  Amsterdam Arena
@ Amsterdam Arena during the match
 Amsterdam Arena at night, Amsterdam  Amsterdam Arena
Amsterdam Arena at night