Add a review about The Museum in The Hague

The Museum is a museum dedicated to science and culture, whose collections are associated with geology, biology, archeology, history, science and ethnology .The idea of ​​its creation appeared in 1904 . in the head of the editor-in-chief of the city newspaper: he came up with the idea to open a museum where children could learn more about the industry . The original idea had to be corrected . At the first director-geologist the collection became grow due to exhibits related to natural history and ethnology . In 1933 . biologist Niko Tinbergen handed over to the museum a collection of artifacts from Greenland related to the life of Inuit .

The collection of the museum today has more than 270 thousand objects . Among them - bones of dinosaurs, stuffed animals, figurines of the Papuans, costumes of the peoples of the world, ancient tools and many other curiosities.

Today the school is often led by schoolchildren, and first of all it remains still a popular science museum for children . Nevertheless, local exhibits can be of interest to the widest circle of visitors. The main permanent exhibition is called "Your World, My World" and tells how the life appeared and developed on the Earth in all its forms.

In the 1910s. the museum became the first organization in the Netherlands where educational films were used, and this initiative formed the basis for the organization of the first school of cinematography in the country.

The main task in the Museum is the transfer of knowledge about a person and his connection with nature and culture. In the collection of the museum today there are more than 270 thousand objects. Among them - bones of dinosaurs, stuffed animals, statuettes of the Papuans, costumes of the peoples of the world, antique tools and a lot of other wonders. A curious exposition is devoted to the history of the Nobel Peace Prize.

In addition, many of the museum's exhibits are interactive: thus, at the exhibition "Justice and Peace" visitors can play a joint game with the adoption of their own laws, children can try to use prehistoric utensils for cooking or play on ancient musical instruments, and on Wednesdays and Sundays in the museum fold cranes of colored paper.

Practical information

The museum can be reached by public transport from the main (stop Kijkduin) or tram No. 17 (stop Statenkwartier)

Address: Stadhouderslaan, 37.

Opening Hours: The museum is open from 11:00 to 17:00 from Tuesday to Sunday.

Entrance: 11 EUR; children from 4 to 11 years old 6 EUR; adolescents from 12 to 18 years old 8 EUR (October 2014).