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6980 kilometers, 101 days of travel, a raft of balsa logs and the Humboldt current - these are the dry facts of how Turu Heyerdahl and the five team members managed to cross the Pacific Ocean on the legendary Con- Tiki. " Today, the honorary wooden "traveler" is exhibited in the museum of the same name in the Norwegian capital, which you visit first and foremost with the question of the boundaries of the possible.

Museum exposition

The central hall of the Kon-Tiki Museum, of course, is dedicated to an incredible swim. In the center of the hall there is an artfully highlighted raft in partially original, partly restored form, and along the perimeter there are numerous materials about the expedition - maps, household items on the ship, photos, memories of participants.

But besides Kon-Tiki there is something to look . As is known, this was not the only haul of Heyerdahl: he also made expeditions on cane boats "Ra" and "Tigris", lived almost in the Robinson on the Fatu-Khiva archipelago and fundamentally explored the island of Easter - and every life the great museum traveler is dedicated to a separate museum hall . Among the masterpieces is a full-size copy of the Ra boat, as well as the reconstructed Easter Island cave . It is definitely worth looking into the Whale Shark Hall - here you can see a stuffed animal of this huge animal, in memory July 12, 1947, when the crew of Kon-Tiki met with predators in the middle of the Pacific .

Every day at noon, the museum holds a screening of the original 1950 film Kon-Tiki, filmed by Heyerdahl and members of his team. The film was so good that it easily took the Oscar a year later
Kon-Tiki Museum

Address and opening hours

Address: Bygdoynesveien, 36.

Opening Hours: January-February with 10:00 to 16:00; March-May from 10:00 to 17:00; June-August from 9:30 to 18:00; September-October from 10:00 to 17:00; November-December from 10:00 to 16:00. The museum is open daily

Entrance - 80 NOK or free with Oslo Pass map

 Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo  Kon-Tiki Museum
Kon-Tiki Museum
 Entrance to the Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo  Kon-Tiki Museum
Entrance to the Kon-Tiki Museum
 Cabin, Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo  Kon-Tiki Museum
Cabin, Kon-Tiki Museum
 Ship in Miniature , Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo  Kon-Tiki Museum
Ship in miniature, Kon-Tiki Museum
 Raft, Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo  Museum Kon-Tiki
Raft, Kon-Tiki Museum
 Personal items, Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo  Kon-Tiki Museum
Personal Items, Kon-Tiki Museum
 Fishing Hooks, Kon-Tiki Museum  Kon-Tiki Museum
Fishing Hooks, Kon-Tiki Museum "
 Shark Photos, Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo  Kon-Tiki Museum
Shark Photos, Kon-Tiki Museum