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The main temple of the Norwegian capital, Oslo Cathedral was built in 1697. Today it is one of the hidden pearls of the city - travelers first of all rush to the Opera or to the Nobel Peace Center, annoyingly leaving the cathedral without attention. And this is completely in vain: inside you can see wonderful stained-glass windows, a magnificent old altar and painted ceilings.

What to see

Oslo Cathedral has recently undergone a global restoration and today shines before the eyes of tourists with the novelty of the decoration and magnificent restored interiors. Among the most interesting details of interior decoration are the stained glass windows of the most delicate work of the artist Emanuel Vigeland (brother of the famous architect). Be sure to pay attention to the painting of the cathedral's vaults - large-scale work took the period from 1936 to 1950.

Stunning beauty of the altar is attributed to the famous master Michael Rush, he was executed in 1748 and depicts the Last Supper and the Crucifixion. Still it is necessary to consider the remarkable organ more closely - together with the department it is part of the original decoration of the cathedral.

Oslo Cathedral
Periodically, in the Oslo Cathedral there are organ music concerts, with their schedule available at the entrance to the temple.

Just behind the cathedral are the market rows built in 1858 - in the summer period there are cafes and souvenir shops, and in the winter you can simply stroll through the old premises.

Address and opening hours

Address: Domkirke, Stortorvet, 1.

Opening hours - around the clock, free admission.

Oslo Cathedral Oslo Cathedral
Oslo Cathedral
Interior of the Cathedral, Oslo Oslo Cathedral
The interior of the Cathedral
The organ of the Cathedral, Oslo Oslo Cathedral
The organ of the Cathedral