Norwegian has much in common with the languages ​​of neighboring countries, which allows Danes, Swedes and Norwegians to understand each other without too much difficulty. . Oddly enough, they arise only from the Norwegians themselves - because of the significant differences between the dialects of the dialect . Dialects in Norwegian is very much - and all because before the country's settlements were isolated from each other for a long time . On television and on the radio you can hear the speakers speaking both in the dialect of Oslo and in the dialect of Bergen, very specific, as well as any other . Odita joke that dialects in Norway more than the Norwegians themselves .

now Norwegian is developing in two directions: Bokmål and Nynorsk. Bukmol appeared thanks to the poet Henrik Vergeland, who proposed to use the Danish language as the basis, adding to it the words and expressions used by ordinary people. Another branch - nyunoshk - appeared thanks to Ivars Osen, who believed that the Norwegian and the Danish are not on the path, and that the basis for this is the Icelandic language, which is very similar to the Old Norse language. At present, 1/10 of the Norwegian population speaks the nurse, the rest prefer to book.

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Greetings, common expressions

Hello, hello Hallou, hey
Good morning Guernn
Good day Gu Dagh
How are you? Vurdan Mountain?
Good, thank you Sconce, so
Goodbye Ha De
Where do you live? Storm Storm?
I live in ... Yaai storm and ...
Thank you very much! Takk rocky du ha! / Tyusen so!
Please (reply to thanks) Wehawu or vashegu (like Russian "pajalsta")
Sorry, sorry Unnschild / blogger
I do not speak Norwegian Yai snakker ikke nošk
Does anyone here speak Russian? Ar? De nuen som catfish ryussisk hary?
I'm hungry as a wolf Yaai ar a skruubsuyulten
What is your name? Wa helter du?
My name is ... Яай хетерь ...
I do not understand Яай фуштур ikke / Яай шёонер икке
Yes Ya
No Nay

Numbers and numbers

Zero Zero
One En
Two Tu
Three Tre
Four Fira
Five Fem
@ Six Sex
Seven Shou
Eight Otte
Nine Ne
Ten Te
Twenty Tue
Thirty Tretty
Forty Forthy
Fifty Femty
Sixty Sexti
Seventy Сютти
Eighty Otti
Ninety @ Nitti
Hundred Etth-hündre
Thousand Etthusen
Million Ettle Millune
Half Halve

Shops, Hotels, Airport

Where Can I buy a ticket? Vuryan kan yaay chyoope en ticket?
I want to go to ... Yaay Vil cruise ...
I need a city plan Kan Yay fau bikart
How much does it cost? Wa Rooster?
Where can I change money? Vuryan kan yi eyeline of the contant?
Do you have Russian newspapers? Harre Russisk Aviser?

We swear in Norwegian

Go to hell! Drail helvete!
Kozel (not just an animal) Дритсек
Shit (this word can be read even in newspapers) Дрит
What the heck? Wurfour fan?