Tell me a few words in the language of Norway?

Answer information department of the "Subtlety of Tourism"
Norwegian has much in common with the languages ​​of neighboring countries, which allows Danes, Swedes and Norwegians to understand each other without much difficulty. Which, strangely enough, arise only from the Norwegians themselves - because of the significant differences between the dialects of the language. For Russian-speaking tourists this language is a dark jungle, so without a phrase book (if you want to win the heart of every local resident) you can not do. It is worthwhile to learn at least some of these expressions:

  • Hello, hello - Hallou, hey
  • Good morning - Gu Morn
  • Good afternoon - Gu Dagh
  • Many thanks! "Takk the rock duy!" / Tyusen so!
  • Please (reply to gratitude) - Weh shu gu
  • Excuse me, sorry - Unnschild / blogger

To tell the Norwegian housewives, familiar to the Viking portions, to say to them, "Jaayr ar skruubsuyulten" (I'm hungry as a wolf). And better - print out the page of our Russian-Norwegian phrase book and take it with you.

June 10, 2011

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