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The largest in Norway Museum of Modern Art is located 12 km west of the city center. The collection collected works of artists and sculptors of the 1950-1960's: Matisse, Miro, Picasso, Leger, de Stael, Moore. In addition to exhibitions, there are regular concerts of ethnic music, art installations and theatrical performances

Cultural Center Heni-Unstad

Address: Oslo, Sonja Henies vei, 31.

Opening Hours: Tuesday - Thursday: 11: 00 - 19:00, Friday - Saturday: 11:00 - 17:00. Weekend: Monday.

Entrance: The cost of the full ticket is 80 NOK. Children under 18 can visit the museum for free

Information is indicated on June 14, 2014

 Cultural Center Heni-Unstad, Oslo  Cultural center Heni-Unstad
Cultural Center Heni-Unstad
 Sculpture at the entrance to the Cultural Center of Heni-Unstad, Oslo  Cultural Center Heni-Unstad
Sculpture at the entrance to the Cultural Center of Heni-Unstad