4 Surfers conquered the Arctic

"When people hear about surfing, they do not exactly associate it with the Arctic," says extreme sportsman Chris Barkland, who obviously lacked adrenaline on the waves of standard beaches.

Without thinking twice, the American went to surf the Arctic, taking with him a few friends and a videographer. For two weeks the extremals froze and caught waves in the Norwegian Arctic. "Getting out of the water, we were warming by the fire," says Chris Barkland. "I told the guys in flight that they were preparing for the cold, but to be honest, I did not expect such severe frost."

"Snow and hail constantly fell into the face. It was impossible to even open your eyes during surfing ", - the extremals share their impressions. However, such difficult weather conditions have pleased athletes, and they are thinking of returning to the Arctic.

July 25, 2014
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