2 Big Mac Index

Tourists exploring the next country, as a rule, can not avoid meeting with fast food restaurants, because where else, how not fast food can most quickly eat lunch, spending a minimum of food for food.

However, the cost of sandwiches in each country is different - in some countries, Big Mac will cost more than, for example, in countries of South-East Asia. So, the most expensive Big Mac is in Norway. One sandwich in the Scandinavian country costs as much as 48 NOK, about 271 RUB! This is 62% more than in the US. In second place on the high cost of Big Mac - Brazil, where a sandwich will cost 5, 86 USD, just over 200 RUB.

The cheapest Big Macs are sold in Ukraine - only 1, 63 USD, about 57 RUB. Such a low cost is due to the weakening of the local currency. A little more expensive than Big Mac costs in India - 1, 75 USD or 61 RUB.

July 25, 2014
Comment on the news

The most expensive Big Mac-in Israel July 27, 2014

In Eilat in McDonald's, the price of Big Mac is about 400 rubles, and in December last year she saw

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