The deepest canyon in the world is located 180 km from Arequipa . It's breathtaking when you stand on the observation deck of Cruz del Condor and watch the rapid giant Andean condors bursting silence with piercing cries . Amazing and not inferior in its wild beauty Kotahuasi canyon located not far from the pass Pata-Pamba . And the volcano Misty masterfully slipped a white snow cap to the top, inviting the brave to conquer the altitude at 5822 m . Hikes are organized in Arequipa by specialized agencies . Traveling will take about two days .

Flight of condors, Kolka canyon

To turn tourist attention is on the "valley of volcanoes", which includes volcanoes of Misti, Karapuno (6425 m) and Ampato (6318 m), Pata- Pamba (4825 m) . In addition to natural attractions, the area also has an archaeological value, thanks to the ancient Inca burials located in the local rock caves (Antauylki market place), will open the secrets of the exotic nature of Peru to the Salinas-i-Agiade Blanca national park and the coastal lake surroundings Salinas . But most importantly, h it is worth to make a trip to the Kolka Canyon - to dip into the geothermal springs near the village of Chivai . The two-day excursion with a stop in Chivai costs about 85 salts.

In order to avoid bouts of mountain sickness, local guides recommend stock up coca leaves or coconut candies that can at least partially alleviate the headache

 Beautiful view of the Kolka canyon, Peru  Kolka Canyon
View of Kolka Canyon
 Local resident, Kolka Canyon, Peru  Kolka Canyon
Cape Kolka
 Funny llamas, Kolka canyon, Peru  Kolka Canyon
Funny Lamas
 Kolka Canyon, Peru  Kolka Canyon
Kolka Canyon