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Kosta is not just a picturesque Peruvian district, it's part of the Pacific coast, packed with historical "deliciousness" . It's certainly not Turkish Turkish abundance, where you can find rest for every taste and purse , but the uniqueness of the holiday is guaranteed by the hidden Andes from the curious eyes of the beauties . The first thing is to visit the Paracas National Marine Reserve, and here it is also within reach to the monuments of the culture of the same name . The breathtakingly beautiful sand dunes of Wakachina, oases around "The capital of winemakers" Iki - a fabulous mirage that materializes right before our eyes, and the national park Huaskaran and the valley of Wailas will give hours of unforgettable contact with the exotic in its pure form . Fans of windsurfing will conquer the seaside Picassmio .

National Marine Park Parakas

Wakachina, a small oasis 5 km from Iki, an amazing emerald lagoon with palm trees that exoticly rise among the sand dunes. Here you can ride a buggy - a special typewriter or a sandboard - a board that looks like a snowboard designed for skating on the sand. A trip with a driver to a buggy will cost 60 PEN from each.