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This is an amazing pedestrian route, laid by the Incas, which will take you to Machu Picchu and allow you to experience the whole charm of a difficult rocky but insanely picturesque path. Its length is 39 km, permeated with magnificent views of the landscape, archaeological ruins and thickets of orchids and begonias, pisonay and queñual. The Inca trail is the only road to Machu Picchu, which has always been used for religious purposes only.

The Inca trail


There are two main routes, the first of which lasts 4 days and 3 nights .It starts on 88 km of the railway line Koriuairachina (Qorihuayrachina) .On the way, you can get acquainted with such rare historical monuments of Inca culture as Patalakta, Vilkarakai, Patauasi, Runkurakai, Sayamarka, Cochamarca, Pujupatamarca, Intipata, Vinayvaina, and, ultimately, Machu Picchu .The most picturesque place of the route is the crossing of the Urubamba River and the high valley of Warmiwaskuña ("dead woman's pass"), which can be admired from the suspension bridge .In addition, along the road you will meet two lagoons, pass through two tunnels, laid by the Incas in the rocky elephants of the mountains, you will see a cloudy forest .

The second option is somewhat shorter: 2 days and 1 night and called the Holy Path. It starts at 104 km of the railway Chachabamba (Chachabamba), where the train will take you. Accompany you will be the following attractions: Chachabamba, Wijaywayna (Wiñaywayna) and Machu Picchu.

There are also other routes: "Real Road" (Camino Real), which can be overcome in 6 hours, the road "Path of Purification" (Camino de la Purificación) - from 4 to 5 hours.

You can start the journey only by ordering a tour in an agency that has permission to do so, or hiring a professional guide. You can hire a porter for $ 10, whose help you will appreciate at the end of a difficult climb.

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The narrow path
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Lama on the Inca Trail
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Dangerous path
Beautiful starry sky, Peru Inca trail
Beautiful starry sky